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dr_flac.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
+ Include dependency graph for dr_flac.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  drflac_seekpoint
struct  drflac_streaminfo
struct  drflac_metadata
struct  drflac_allocation_callbacks
struct  drflac__memory_stream
struct  drflac_bs
struct  drflac_subframe
struct  drflac_frame_header
struct  drflac_frame
struct  drflac
struct  drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator
struct  drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator
struct  drflac_cuesheet_track_index
struct  drflac_cuesheet_track


#define DRFLAC_STRINGIFY(x)   #x
#define DRFLAC_TRUE   1
#define DRFLAC_FALSE   0
#define DRFLAC_API   extern
#define DRFLAC_PRIVATE   static
#define DR_FLAC_BUFFER_SIZE   4096


typedef signed char drflac_int8
typedef unsigned char drflac_uint8
typedef signed short drflac_int16
typedef unsigned short drflac_uint16
typedef signed int drflac_int32
typedef unsigned int drflac_uint32
typedef signed long long drflac_int64
typedef unsigned long long drflac_uint64
typedef drflac_uint32 drflac_uintptr
typedef drflac_uint8 drflac_bool8
typedef drflac_uint32 drflac_bool32
typedef drflac_uint32 drflac_cache_t
typedef size_t(* drflac_read_proc) (void *pUserData, void *pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead)
typedef drflac_bool32(* drflac_seek_proc) (void *pUserData, int offset, drflac_seek_origin origin)
typedef void(* drflac_meta_proc) (void *pUserData, drflac_metadata *pMetadata)


enum  drflac_container { drflac_container_native , drflac_container_ogg , drflac_container_unknown }
enum  drflac_seek_origin { drflac_seek_origin_start , drflac_seek_origin_current }


DRFLAC_API void drflac_version (drflac_uint32 *pMajor, drflac_uint32 *pMinor, drflac_uint32 *pRevision)
DRFLAC_API const char * drflac_version_string (void)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_relaxed (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, drflac_container container, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_with_metadata (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, drflac_meta_proc onMeta, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_with_metadata_relaxed (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, drflac_meta_proc onMeta, drflac_container container, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API void drflac_close (drflac *pFlac)
DRFLAC_API drflac_uint64 drflac_read_pcm_frames_s32 (drflac *pFlac, drflac_uint64 framesToRead, drflac_int32 *pBufferOut)
DRFLAC_API drflac_uint64 drflac_read_pcm_frames_s16 (drflac *pFlac, drflac_uint64 framesToRead, drflac_int16 *pBufferOut)
DRFLAC_API drflac_uint64 drflac_read_pcm_frames_f32 (drflac *pFlac, drflac_uint64 framesToRead, float *pBufferOut)
DRFLAC_API drflac_bool32 drflac_seek_to_pcm_frame (drflac *pFlac, drflac_uint64 pcmFrameIndex)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_file (const char *pFileName, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_file_w (const wchar_t *pFileName, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_file_with_metadata (const char *pFileName, drflac_meta_proc onMeta, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_file_with_metadata_w (const wchar_t *pFileName, drflac_meta_proc onMeta, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_memory (const void *pData, size_t dataSize, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflacdrflac_open_memory_with_metadata (const void *pData, size_t dataSize, drflac_meta_proc onMeta, void *pUserData, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflac_int32drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, void *pUserData, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflac_int16drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, void *pUserData, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API float * drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 (drflac_read_proc onRead, drflac_seek_proc onSeek, void *pUserData, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflac_int32drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 (const char *filename, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflac_int16drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 (const char *filename, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API float * drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 (const char *filename, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflac_int32drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 (const void *data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API drflac_int16drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 (const void *data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API float * drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 (const void *data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int *channels, unsigned int *sampleRate, drflac_uint64 *totalPCMFrameCount, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API void drflac_free (void *p, const drflac_allocation_callbacks *pAllocationCallbacks)
DRFLAC_API void drflac_init_vorbis_comment_iterator (drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator *pIter, drflac_uint32 commentCount, const void *pComments)
DRFLAC_API const char * drflac_next_vorbis_comment (drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator *pIter, drflac_uint32 *pCommentLengthOut)
DRFLAC_API void drflac_init_cuesheet_track_iterator (drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator *pIter, drflac_uint32 trackCount, const void *pTrackData)
DRFLAC_API drflac_bool32 drflac_next_cuesheet_track (drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator *pIter, drflac_cuesheet_track *pCuesheetTrack)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DR_FLAC_BUFFER_SIZE   4096

Definition at line 326 of file dr_flac.h.


#define DRFLAC_API   extern

Definition at line 299 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 315 of file dr_flac.h.


#define DRFLAC_FALSE   0

Definition at line 272 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 343 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 346 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 348 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 342 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 347 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 344 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 341 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 345 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 359 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 361 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 370 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 368 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 362 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 360 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 355 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 354 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 366 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 365 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 352 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 369 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 358 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 356 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 363 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 357 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 351 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 353 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 371 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 364 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 367 of file dr_flac.h.


#define DRFLAC_PRIVATE   static

Definition at line 300 of file dr_flac.h.


#define DRFLAC_STRINGIFY (   x)    #x

Definition at line 230 of file dr_flac.h.


#define DRFLAC_TRUE   1

Definition at line 271 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 233 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 234 of file dr_flac.h.



Definition at line 235 of file dr_flac.h.




Definition at line 231 of file dr_flac.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ drflac_bool32

Definition at line 270 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_bool8

Definition at line 269 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_cache_t

Definition at line 337 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_int16

typedef signed short drflac_int16

Definition at line 243 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_int32

typedef signed int drflac_int32

Definition at line 245 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_int64

typedef signed long long drflac_int64

Definition at line 258 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_int8

typedef signed char drflac_int8

Definition at line 241 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_meta_proc

typedef void(* drflac_meta_proc) (void *pUserData, drflac_metadata *pMetadata)

Definition at line 561 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_read_proc

typedef size_t(* drflac_read_proc) (void *pUserData, void *pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead)

Definition at line 510 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_seek_proc

typedef drflac_bool32(* drflac_seek_proc) (void *pUserData, int offset, drflac_seek_origin origin)

Definition at line 541 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_uint16

typedef unsigned short drflac_uint16

Definition at line 244 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_uint32

typedef unsigned int drflac_uint32

Definition at line 246 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_uint64

typedef unsigned long long drflac_uint64

Definition at line 259 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_uint8

typedef unsigned char drflac_uint8

Definition at line 242 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_uintptr

Definition at line 267 of file dr_flac.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ drflac_container


Definition at line 373 of file dr_flac.h.

◆ drflac_seek_origin


Definition at line 380 of file dr_flac.h.

Function Documentation

◆ drflac_close()

DRFLAC_API void drflac_close ( drflac pFlac)

◆ drflac_free()

DRFLAC_API void drflac_free ( void *  p,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drflac_init_cuesheet_track_iterator()

DRFLAC_API void drflac_init_cuesheet_track_iterator ( drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator pIter,
drflac_uint32  trackCount,
const void *  pTrackData 

◆ drflac_init_vorbis_comment_iterator()

DRFLAC_API void drflac_init_vorbis_comment_iterator ( drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator pIter,
drflac_uint32  commentCount,
const void *  pComments 

◆ drflac_next_cuesheet_track()

DRFLAC_API drflac_bool32 drflac_next_cuesheet_track ( drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator pIter,
drflac_cuesheet_track pCuesheetTrack 

◆ drflac_next_vorbis_comment()

DRFLAC_API const char * drflac_next_vorbis_comment ( drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator pIter,
drflac_uint32 pCommentLengthOut 

◆ drflac_open()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32()

DRFLAC_API float * drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
void *  pUserData,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16()

DRFLAC_API drflac_int16 * drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
void *  pUserData,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32()

DRFLAC_API drflac_int32 * drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
void *  pUserData,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_file()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file ( const char *  pFileName,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32()

DRFLAC_API float * drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 ( const char *  filename,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16()

DRFLAC_API drflac_int16 * drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 ( const char *  filename,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32()

DRFLAC_API drflac_int32 * drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 ( const char *  filename,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_file_w()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file_w ( const wchar_t *  pFileName,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_file_with_metadata()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file_with_metadata ( const char *  pFileName,
drflac_meta_proc  onMeta,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_file_with_metadata_w()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_file_with_metadata_w ( const wchar_t *  pFileName,
drflac_meta_proc  onMeta,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_memory()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_memory ( const void *  pData,
size_t  dataSize,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32()

DRFLAC_API float * drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 ( const void *  data,
size_t  dataSize,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16()

DRFLAC_API drflac_int16 * drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 ( const void *  data,
size_t  dataSize,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32()

DRFLAC_API drflac_int32 * drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 ( const void *  data,
size_t  dataSize,
unsigned int *  channels,
unsigned int *  sampleRate,
drflac_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_memory_with_metadata()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_memory_with_metadata ( const void *  pData,
size_t  dataSize,
drflac_meta_proc  onMeta,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_relaxed()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_relaxed ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
drflac_container  container,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_with_metadata()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_with_metadata ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
drflac_meta_proc  onMeta,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_open_with_metadata_relaxed()

DRFLAC_API drflac * drflac_open_with_metadata_relaxed ( drflac_read_proc  onRead,
drflac_seek_proc  onSeek,
drflac_meta_proc  onMeta,
drflac_container  container,
void *  pUserData,
const drflac_allocation_callbacks pAllocationCallbacks 

◆ drflac_read_pcm_frames_f32()

DRFLAC_API drflac_uint64 drflac_read_pcm_frames_f32 ( drflac pFlac,
drflac_uint64  framesToRead,
float *  pBufferOut 

◆ drflac_read_pcm_frames_s16()

DRFLAC_API drflac_uint64 drflac_read_pcm_frames_s16 ( drflac pFlac,
drflac_uint64  framesToRead,
drflac_int16 pBufferOut 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drflac_read_pcm_frames_s32()

DRFLAC_API drflac_uint64 drflac_read_pcm_frames_s32 ( drflac pFlac,
drflac_uint64  framesToRead,
drflac_int32 pBufferOut 

◆ drflac_seek_to_pcm_frame()

DRFLAC_API drflac_bool32 drflac_seek_to_pcm_frame ( drflac pFlac,
drflac_uint64  pcmFrameIndex 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drflac_version()

DRFLAC_API void drflac_version ( drflac_uint32 pMajor,
drflac_uint32 pMinor,
drflac_uint32 pRevision 

◆ drflac_version_string()

DRFLAC_API const char * drflac_version_string ( void  )