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egl_context.h File Reference
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struct  _GLFWcontextEGL
struct  _GLFWlibraryEGL


#define EGL_SUCCESS   0x3000
#define EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED   0x3001
#define EGL_BAD_ACCESS   0x3002
#define EGL_BAD_ALLOC   0x3003
#define EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE   0x3004
#define EGL_BAD_CONFIG   0x3005
#define EGL_BAD_CONTEXT   0x3006
#define EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE   0x3007
#define EGL_BAD_DISPLAY   0x3008
#define EGL_BAD_MATCH   0x3009
#define EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP   0x300a
#define EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW   0x300b
#define EGL_BAD_PARAMETER   0x300c
#define EGL_BAD_SURFACE   0x300d
#define EGL_CONTEXT_LOST   0x300e
#define EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE   0x303f
#define EGL_RGB_BUFFER   0x308e
#define EGL_SURFACE_TYPE   0x3033
#define EGL_WINDOW_BIT   0x0004
#define EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE   0x3040
#define EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT   0x0001
#define EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT   0x0004
#define EGL_OPENGL_BIT   0x0008
#define EGL_ALPHA_SIZE   0x3021
#define EGL_BLUE_SIZE   0x3022
#define EGL_GREEN_SIZE   0x3023
#define EGL_RED_SIZE   0x3024
#define EGL_DEPTH_SIZE   0x3025
#define EGL_STENCIL_SIZE   0x3026
#define EGL_SAMPLES   0x3031
#define EGL_OPENGL_ES_API   0x30a0
#define EGL_OPENGL_API   0x30a2
#define EGL_NONE   0x3038
#define EGL_RENDER_BUFFER   0x3086
#define EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER   0x3085
#define EGL_EXTENSIONS   0x3055
#define EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID   0x302e
#define EGL_NO_SURFACE   ((EGLSurface) 0)
#define EGL_NO_DISPLAY   ((EGLDisplay) 0)
#define EGL_NO_CONTEXT   ((EGLContext) 0)
#define EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY   ((EGLNativeDisplayType) 0)
#define EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR   0x30fc
#define EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_KHR   0x309d
#define EGL_PLATFORM_X11_EXT   0x31d5
#define eglGetConfigAttrib   _glfw.egl.GetConfigAttrib
#define eglGetConfigs   _glfw.egl.GetConfigs
#define eglGetDisplay   _glfw.egl.GetDisplay
#define eglGetError   _glfw.egl.GetError
#define eglInitialize   _glfw.egl.Initialize
#define eglTerminate   _glfw.egl.Terminate
#define eglBindAPI   _glfw.egl.BindAPI
#define eglCreateContext   _glfw.egl.CreateContext
#define eglDestroySurface   _glfw.egl.DestroySurface
#define eglDestroyContext   _glfw.egl.DestroyContext
#define eglCreateWindowSurface   _glfw.egl.CreateWindowSurface
#define eglMakeCurrent   _glfw.egl.MakeCurrent
#define eglSwapBuffers   _glfw.egl.SwapBuffers
#define eglSwapInterval   _glfw.egl.SwapInterval
#define eglQueryString   _glfw.egl.QueryString
#define eglGetProcAddress   _glfw.egl.GetProcAddress
#define eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT   _glfw.egl.GetPlatformDisplayEXT
#define eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT   _glfw.egl.CreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT


typedef int EGLint
typedef unsigned int EGLBoolean
typedef unsigned int EGLenum
typedef void * EGLConfig
typedef void * EGLContext
typedef void * EGLDisplay
typedef void * EGLSurface
typedef void * EGLNativeDisplayType
typedef void * EGLNativeWindowType
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglGetConfigAttrib) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, EGLint, EGLint *)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglGetConfigs) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig *, EGLint, EGLint *)
typedef EGLDisplay(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglGetDisplay) (EGLNativeDisplayType)
typedef EGLint(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglGetError) (void)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglInitialize) (EGLDisplay, EGLint *, EGLint *)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglTerminate) (EGLDisplay)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglBindAPI) (EGLenum)
typedef EGLContext(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglCreateContext) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, EGLContext, const EGLint *)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglDestroySurface) (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglDestroyContext) (EGLDisplay, EGLContext)
typedef EGLSurface(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglCreateWindowSurface) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, EGLNativeWindowType, const EGLint *)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglMakeCurrent) (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface, EGLSurface, EGLContext)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglSwapBuffers) (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface)
typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglSwapInterval) (EGLDisplay, EGLint)
typedef const char *(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglQueryString) (EGLDisplay, EGLint)
typedef GLFWglproc(EGLAPIENTRYPFN_eglGetProcAddress) (const char *)
typedef struct _GLFWcontextEGL _GLFWcontextEGL
typedef struct _GLFWlibraryEGL _GLFWlibraryEGL


GLFWbool _glfwInitEGL (void)
void _glfwTerminateEGL (void)
GLFWbool _glfwCreateContextEGL (_GLFWwindow *window, const _GLFWctxconfig *ctxconfig, const _GLFWfbconfig *fbconfig)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EGL_ALPHA_SIZE   0x3021

Definition at line 57 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_ACCESS   0x3002

Definition at line 36 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_ALLOC   0x3003

Definition at line 37 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE   0x3004

Definition at line 38 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_CONFIG   0x3005

Definition at line 39 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_CONTEXT   0x3006

Definition at line 40 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE   0x3007

Definition at line 41 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_DISPLAY   0x3008

Definition at line 42 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_MATCH   0x3009

Definition at line 43 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP   0x300a

Definition at line 44 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW   0x300b

Definition at line 45 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_PARAMETER   0x300c

Definition at line 46 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BAD_SURFACE   0x300d

Definition at line 47 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_BLUE_SIZE   0x3022

Definition at line 58 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE   0x303f

Definition at line 49 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 70 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR   0x30fc

Definition at line 88 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_CONTEXT_LOST   0x300e

Definition at line 48 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 85 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 86 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 79 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 78 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 80 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 77 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 89 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 87 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 81 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 84 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 94 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 92 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 93 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY   ((EGLNativeDisplayType) 0)

Definition at line 75 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_DEPTH_SIZE   0x3025

Definition at line 61 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_EXTENSIONS   0x3055

Definition at line 69 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_KHR   0x309d

Definition at line 90 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 91 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_GREEN_SIZE   0x3023

Definition at line 59 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 83 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID   0x302e

Definition at line 71 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_NO_CONTEXT   ((EGLContext) 0)

Definition at line 74 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_NO_DISPLAY   ((EGLDisplay) 0)

Definition at line 73 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 82 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_NO_SURFACE   ((EGLSurface) 0)

Definition at line 72 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_NONE   0x3038

Definition at line 66 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED   0x3001

Definition at line 35 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_OPENGL_API   0x30a2

Definition at line 65 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_OPENGL_BIT   0x0008

Definition at line 56 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT   0x0004

Definition at line 55 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_OPENGL_ES_API   0x30a0

Definition at line 64 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT   0x0001

Definition at line 54 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 97 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 105 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 98 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 102 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 101 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 104 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 99 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 100 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 103 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 96 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_PLATFORM_X11_EXT   0x31d5

Definition at line 95 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_RED_SIZE   0x3024

Definition at line 60 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_RENDER_BUFFER   0x3086

Definition at line 67 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE   0x3040

Definition at line 53 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_RGB_BUFFER   0x308e

Definition at line 50 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_SAMPLES   0x3031

Definition at line 63 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER   0x3085

Definition at line 68 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_STENCIL_SIZE   0x3026

Definition at line 62 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_SUCCESS   0x3000

Definition at line 34 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_SURFACE_TYPE   0x3033

Definition at line 51 of file egl_context.h.


#define EGL_WINDOW_BIT   0x0004

Definition at line 52 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 31 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglBindAPI

#define eglBindAPI   _glfw.egl.BindAPI

Definition at line 141 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglCreateContext

#define eglCreateContext   _glfw.egl.CreateContext

Definition at line 142 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT

#define eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT   _glfw.egl.CreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT

Definition at line 155 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglCreateWindowSurface

#define eglCreateWindowSurface   _glfw.egl.CreateWindowSurface

Definition at line 145 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglDestroyContext

#define eglDestroyContext   _glfw.egl.DestroyContext

Definition at line 144 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglDestroySurface

#define eglDestroySurface   _glfw.egl.DestroySurface

Definition at line 143 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglGetConfigAttrib

#define eglGetConfigAttrib   _glfw.egl.GetConfigAttrib

Definition at line 135 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglGetConfigs

#define eglGetConfigs   _glfw.egl.GetConfigs

Definition at line 136 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglGetDisplay

#define eglGetDisplay   _glfw.egl.GetDisplay

Definition at line 137 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglGetError

#define eglGetError   _glfw.egl.GetError

Definition at line 138 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT

#define eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT   _glfw.egl.GetPlatformDisplayEXT

Definition at line 154 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglGetProcAddress

#define eglGetProcAddress   _glfw.egl.GetProcAddress

Definition at line 150 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglInitialize

#define eglInitialize   _glfw.egl.Initialize

Definition at line 139 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglMakeCurrent

#define eglMakeCurrent   _glfw.egl.MakeCurrent

Definition at line 146 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglQueryString

#define eglQueryString   _glfw.egl.QueryString

Definition at line 149 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglSwapBuffers

#define eglSwapBuffers   _glfw.egl.SwapBuffers

Definition at line 147 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglSwapInterval

#define eglSwapInterval   _glfw.egl.SwapInterval

Definition at line 148 of file egl_context.h.

◆ eglTerminate

#define eglTerminate   _glfw.egl.Terminate

Definition at line 140 of file egl_context.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _GLFWcontextEGL

◆ _GLFWlibraryEGL

◆ EGLBoolean

typedef unsigned int EGLBoolean

Definition at line 108 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLConfig

typedef void* EGLConfig

Definition at line 110 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLContext

typedef void* EGLContext

Definition at line 111 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLDisplay

typedef void* EGLDisplay

Definition at line 112 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLenum

typedef unsigned int EGLenum

Definition at line 109 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLint

typedef int EGLint

Definition at line 107 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLNativeDisplayType

typedef void* EGLNativeDisplayType

Definition at line 115 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLNativeWindowType

typedef void* EGLNativeWindowType

Definition at line 116 of file egl_context.h.

◆ EGLSurface

typedef void* EGLSurface

Definition at line 113 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglBindAPI

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglBindAPI) (EGLenum)

Definition at line 125 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglCreateContext

typedef EGLContext(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglCreateContext) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, EGLContext, const EGLint *)

Definition at line 126 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglCreateWindowSurface

typedef EGLSurface(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglCreateWindowSurface) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, EGLNativeWindowType, const EGLint *)

Definition at line 129 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglDestroyContext

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglDestroyContext) (EGLDisplay, EGLContext)

Definition at line 128 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglDestroySurface

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglDestroySurface) (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface)

Definition at line 127 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglGetConfigAttrib

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglGetConfigAttrib) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, EGLint, EGLint *)

Definition at line 119 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglGetConfigs

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglGetConfigs) (EGLDisplay, EGLConfig *, EGLint, EGLint *)

Definition at line 120 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglGetDisplay

typedef EGLDisplay(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglGetDisplay) (EGLNativeDisplayType)

Definition at line 121 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglGetError

typedef EGLint(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglGetError) (void)

Definition at line 122 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglGetProcAddress

typedef GLFWglproc(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglGetProcAddress) (const char *)

Definition at line 134 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglInitialize

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglInitialize) (EGLDisplay, EGLint *, EGLint *)

Definition at line 123 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglMakeCurrent

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglMakeCurrent) (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface, EGLSurface, EGLContext)

Definition at line 130 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglQueryString

typedef const char *(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglQueryString) (EGLDisplay, EGLint)

Definition at line 133 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglSwapBuffers

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglSwapBuffers) (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface)

Definition at line 131 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglSwapInterval

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglSwapInterval) (EGLDisplay, EGLint)

Definition at line 132 of file egl_context.h.

◆ PFN_eglTerminate

typedef EGLBoolean(EGLAPIENTRY * PFN_eglTerminate) (EGLDisplay)

Definition at line 124 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 153 of file egl_context.h.



Definition at line 152 of file egl_context.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwCreateContextEGL()

GLFWbool _glfwCreateContextEGL ( _GLFWwindow window,
const _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig,
const _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig 

Definition at line 505 of file egl_context.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInitEGL()

GLFWbool _glfwInitEGL ( void  )

Definition at line 303 of file egl_context.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwTerminateEGL()

void _glfwTerminateEGL ( void  )

Definition at line 481 of file egl_context.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: