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osmesa_context.h File Reference
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struct  _GLFWcontextOSMesa
struct  _GLFWlibraryOSMesa


#define OSMESA_RGBA   0x1908
#define OSMESA_FORMAT   0x22
#define OSMESA_DEPTH_BITS   0x30
#define OSMESA_STENCIL_BITS   0x31
#define OSMESA_ACCUM_BITS   0x32
#define OSMESA_PROFILE   0x33
#define OSMESA_CORE_PROFILE   0x34
#define OSMesaCreateContextExt   _glfw.osmesa.CreateContextExt
#define OSMesaCreateContextAttribs   _glfw.osmesa.CreateContextAttribs
#define OSMesaDestroyContext   _glfw.osmesa.DestroyContext
#define OSMesaMakeCurrent   _glfw.osmesa.MakeCurrent
#define OSMesaGetColorBuffer   _glfw.osmesa.GetColorBuffer
#define OSMesaGetDepthBuffer   _glfw.osmesa.GetDepthBuffer
#define OSMesaGetProcAddress   _glfw.osmesa.GetProcAddress


typedef void * OSMesaContext
typedef void(* OSMESAproc) (void)
typedef OSMesaContext(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaCreateContextExt) (GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, OSMesaContext)
typedef OSMesaContext(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaCreateContextAttribs) (const int *, OSMesaContext)
typedef void(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaDestroyContext) (OSMesaContext)
typedef int(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaMakeCurrent) (OSMesaContext, void *, int, int, int)
typedef int(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaGetColorBuffer) (OSMesaContext, int *, int *, int *, void **)
typedef int(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaGetDepthBuffer) (OSMesaContext, int *, int *, int *, void **)
typedef GLFWglproc(GLAPIENTRYPFN_OSMesaGetProcAddress) (const char *)
typedef struct _GLFWcontextOSMesa _GLFWcontextOSMesa
typedef struct _GLFWlibraryOSMesa _GLFWlibraryOSMesa


GLFWbool _glfwInitOSMesa (void)
void _glfwTerminateOSMesa (void)
GLFWbool _glfwCreateContextOSMesa (_GLFWwindow *window, const _GLFWctxconfig *ctxconfig, const _GLFWfbconfig *fbconfig)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define OSMESA_ACCUM_BITS   0x32

Definition at line 32 of file osmesa_context.h.



Definition at line 35 of file osmesa_context.h.



Definition at line 36 of file osmesa_context.h.



Definition at line 37 of file osmesa_context.h.


#define OSMESA_CORE_PROFILE   0x34

Definition at line 34 of file osmesa_context.h.


#define OSMESA_DEPTH_BITS   0x30

Definition at line 30 of file osmesa_context.h.


#define OSMESA_FORMAT   0x22

Definition at line 29 of file osmesa_context.h.


#define OSMESA_PROFILE   0x33

Definition at line 33 of file osmesa_context.h.


#define OSMESA_RGBA   0x1908

Definition at line 28 of file osmesa_context.h.


#define OSMESA_STENCIL_BITS   0x31

Definition at line 31 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaCreateContextAttribs

#define OSMesaCreateContextAttribs   _glfw.osmesa.CreateContextAttribs

Definition at line 50 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaCreateContextExt

#define OSMesaCreateContextExt   _glfw.osmesa.CreateContextExt

Definition at line 49 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaDestroyContext

#define OSMesaDestroyContext   _glfw.osmesa.DestroyContext

Definition at line 51 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaGetColorBuffer

#define OSMesaGetColorBuffer   _glfw.osmesa.GetColorBuffer

Definition at line 53 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaGetDepthBuffer

#define OSMesaGetDepthBuffer   _glfw.osmesa.GetDepthBuffer

Definition at line 54 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaGetProcAddress

#define OSMesaGetProcAddress   _glfw.osmesa.GetProcAddress

Definition at line 55 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMesaMakeCurrent

#define OSMesaMakeCurrent   _glfw.osmesa.MakeCurrent

Definition at line 52 of file osmesa_context.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _GLFWcontextOSMesa

◆ _GLFWlibraryOSMesa

◆ OSMesaContext

typedef void* OSMesaContext

Definition at line 39 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ OSMESAproc

typedef void(* OSMESAproc) (void)

Definition at line 40 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaCreateContextAttribs

typedef OSMesaContext(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaCreateContextAttribs) (const int *, OSMesaContext)

Definition at line 43 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaCreateContextExt

typedef OSMesaContext(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaCreateContextExt) (GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, OSMesaContext)

Definition at line 42 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaDestroyContext

typedef void(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaDestroyContext) (OSMesaContext)

Definition at line 44 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaGetColorBuffer

typedef int(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaGetColorBuffer) (OSMesaContext, int *, int *, int *, void **)

Definition at line 46 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaGetDepthBuffer

typedef int(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaGetDepthBuffer) (OSMesaContext, int *, int *, int *, void **)

Definition at line 47 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaGetProcAddress

typedef GLFWglproc(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaGetProcAddress) (const char *)

Definition at line 48 of file osmesa_context.h.

◆ PFN_OSMesaMakeCurrent

typedef int(GLAPIENTRY * PFN_OSMesaMakeCurrent) (OSMesaContext, void *, int, int, int)

Definition at line 45 of file osmesa_context.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwCreateContextOSMesa()

GLFWbool _glfwCreateContextOSMesa ( _GLFWwindow window,
const _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig,
const _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig 

Definition at line 198 of file osmesa_context.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInitOSMesa()

GLFWbool _glfwInitOSMesa ( void  )

Definition at line 113 of file osmesa_context.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwTerminateOSMesa()

void _glfwTerminateOSMesa ( void  )

Definition at line 182 of file osmesa_context.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: