Wise&mystical  1.0
Project about Europe
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wl_platform.h File Reference
#include <wayland-client.h>
#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "posix_thread.h"
#include "posix_time.h"
#include "null_joystick.h"
#include "xkb_unicode.h"
#include "wayland-xdg-shell-client-protocol.h"
#include "wayland-xdg-decoration-client-protocol.h"
#include "wayland-viewporter-client-protocol.h"
#include "wayland-relative-pointer-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
#include "wayland-pointer-constraints-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
#include "wayland-idle-inhibit-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
+ Include dependency graph for wl_platform.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  VkWaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR
struct  wl_cursor_image
struct  wl_cursor
struct  _GLFWdecorationWayland
struct  _GLFWwindowWayland
struct  _GLFWlibraryWayland
struct  _GLFWmonitorWayland
struct  _GLFWcursorWayland


#define _glfw_dlopen(name)   dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)
#define _glfw_dlclose(handle)   dlclose(handle)
#define _glfw_dlsym(handle, name)   dlsym(handle, name)
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_WINDOW_STATE   _GLFWwindowWayland wl
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_MONITOR_STATE   _GLFWmonitorWayland wl
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CURSOR_STATE   _GLFWcursorWayland wl
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CONTEXT_STATE   struct { int dummyContext; }
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_LIBRARY_CONTEXT_STATE   struct { int dummyLibraryContext; }
#define wl_cursor_theme_load   _glfw.wl.cursor.theme_load
#define wl_cursor_theme_destroy   _glfw.wl.cursor.theme_destroy
#define wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor   _glfw.wl.cursor.theme_get_cursor
#define wl_cursor_image_get_buffer   _glfw.wl.cursor.image_get_buffer
#define wl_egl_window_create   _glfw.wl.egl.window_create
#define wl_egl_window_destroy   _glfw.wl.egl.window_destroy
#define wl_egl_window_resize   _glfw.wl.egl.window_resize
#define xkb_context_new   _glfw.wl.xkb.context_new
#define xkb_context_unref   _glfw.wl.xkb.context_unref
#define xkb_keymap_new_from_string   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_new_from_string
#define xkb_keymap_unref   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_unref
#define xkb_keymap_mod_get_index   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_mod_get_index
#define xkb_keymap_key_repeats   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_key_repeats
#define xkb_state_new   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_new
#define xkb_state_unref   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_unref
#define xkb_state_key_get_syms   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_key_get_syms
#define xkb_state_update_mask   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_update_mask
#define xkb_state_serialize_mods   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_serialize_mods


typedef VkFlags VkWaylandSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR
typedef struct VkWaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR VkWaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR
typedef VkResult(APIENTRYPFN_vkCreateWaylandSurfaceKHR) (VkInstance, const VkWaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)
typedef VkBool32(APIENTRYPFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR) (VkPhysicalDevice, uint32_t, struct wl_display *)
typedef struct wl_cursor_theme *(* PFN_wl_cursor_theme_load) (const char *, int, struct wl_shm *)
typedef void(* PFN_wl_cursor_theme_destroy) (struct wl_cursor_theme *)
typedef struct wl_cursor *(* PFN_wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor) (struct wl_cursor_theme *, const char *)
typedef struct wl_buffer *(* PFN_wl_cursor_image_get_buffer) (struct wl_cursor_image *)
typedef struct wl_egl_window *(* PFN_wl_egl_window_create) (struct wl_surface *, int, int)
typedef void(* PFN_wl_egl_window_destroy) (struct wl_egl_window *)
typedef void(* PFN_wl_egl_window_resize) (struct wl_egl_window *, int, int, int, int)
typedef struct xkb_context *(* PFN_xkb_context_new) (enum xkb_context_flags)
typedef void(* PFN_xkb_context_unref) (struct xkb_context *)
typedef struct xkb_keymap *(* PFN_xkb_keymap_new_from_string) (struct xkb_context *, const char *, enum xkb_keymap_format, enum xkb_keymap_compile_flags)
typedef void(* PFN_xkb_keymap_unref) (struct xkb_keymap *)
typedef xkb_mod_index_t(* PFN_xkb_keymap_mod_get_index) (struct xkb_keymap *, const char *)
typedef int(* PFN_xkb_keymap_key_repeats) (struct xkb_keymap *, xkb_keycode_t)
typedef struct xkb_state *(* PFN_xkb_state_new) (struct xkb_keymap *)
typedef void(* PFN_xkb_state_unref) (struct xkb_state *)
typedef int(* PFN_xkb_state_key_get_syms) (struct xkb_state *, xkb_keycode_t, const xkb_keysym_t **)
typedef enum xkb_state_component(* PFN_xkb_state_update_mask) (struct xkb_state *, xkb_mod_mask_t, xkb_mod_mask_t, xkb_mod_mask_t, xkb_layout_index_t, xkb_layout_index_t, xkb_layout_index_t)
typedef xkb_mod_mask_t(* PFN_xkb_state_serialize_mods) (struct xkb_state *, enum xkb_state_component)
typedef enum _GLFWdecorationSideWayland _GLFWdecorationSideWayland
typedef struct _GLFWdecorationWayland _GLFWdecorationWayland
typedef struct _GLFWwindowWayland _GLFWwindowWayland
typedef struct _GLFWlibraryWayland _GLFWlibraryWayland
typedef struct _GLFWmonitorWayland _GLFWmonitorWayland
typedef struct _GLFWcursorWayland _GLFWcursorWayland


enum  _GLFWdecorationSideWayland {
  mainWindow , topDecoration , leftDecoration , rightDecoration ,


void _glfwAddOutputWayland (uint32_t name, uint32_t version)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 147 of file wl_platform.h.



Definition at line 145 of file wl_platform.h.



Definition at line 146 of file wl_platform.h.



Definition at line 144 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlclose

#define _glfw_dlclose (   handle)    dlclose(handle)

Definition at line 65 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlopen

#define _glfw_dlopen (   name)    dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)

Definition at line 64 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlsym

#define _glfw_dlsym (   handle,
)    dlsym(handle, name)

Definition at line 66 of file wl_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CONTEXT_STATE   struct { int dummyContext; }

Definition at line 73 of file wl_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CURSOR_STATE   _GLFWcursorWayland wl

Definition at line 71 of file wl_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_LIBRARY_CONTEXT_STATE   struct { int dummyLibraryContext; }

Definition at line 74 of file wl_platform.h.



Definition at line 69 of file wl_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_MONITOR_STATE   _GLFWmonitorWayland wl

Definition at line 70 of file wl_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_WINDOW_STATE   _GLFWwindowWayland wl

Definition at line 68 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_cursor_image_get_buffer

#define wl_cursor_image_get_buffer   _glfw.wl.cursor.image_get_buffer

Definition at line 95 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_cursor_theme_destroy

#define wl_cursor_theme_destroy   _glfw.wl.cursor.theme_destroy

Definition at line 93 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor

#define wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor   _glfw.wl.cursor.theme_get_cursor

Definition at line 94 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_cursor_theme_load

#define wl_cursor_theme_load   _glfw.wl.cursor.theme_load

Definition at line 92 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_egl_window_create

#define wl_egl_window_create   _glfw.wl.egl.window_create

Definition at line 100 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_egl_window_destroy

#define wl_egl_window_destroy   _glfw.wl.egl.window_destroy

Definition at line 101 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ wl_egl_window_resize

#define wl_egl_window_resize   _glfw.wl.egl.window_resize

Definition at line 102 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_context_new

#define xkb_context_new   _glfw.wl.xkb.context_new

Definition at line 115 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_context_unref

#define xkb_context_unref   _glfw.wl.xkb.context_unref

Definition at line 116 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_keymap_key_repeats

#define xkb_keymap_key_repeats   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_key_repeats

Definition at line 120 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_keymap_mod_get_index

#define xkb_keymap_mod_get_index   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_mod_get_index

Definition at line 119 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_keymap_new_from_string

#define xkb_keymap_new_from_string   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_new_from_string

Definition at line 117 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_keymap_unref

#define xkb_keymap_unref   _glfw.wl.xkb.keymap_unref

Definition at line 118 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_state_key_get_syms

#define xkb_state_key_get_syms   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_key_get_syms

Definition at line 123 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_state_new

#define xkb_state_new   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_new

Definition at line 121 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_state_serialize_mods

#define xkb_state_serialize_mods   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_serialize_mods

Definition at line 125 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_state_unref

#define xkb_state_unref   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_unref

Definition at line 122 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ xkb_state_update_mask

#define xkb_state_update_mask   _glfw.wl.xkb.state_update_mask

Definition at line 124 of file wl_platform.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _GLFWcursorWayland

◆ _GLFWdecorationSideWayland

◆ _GLFWdecorationWayland

◆ _GLFWlibraryWayland

◆ _GLFWmonitorWayland

◆ _GLFWwindowWayland

◆ PFN_vkCreateWaylandSurfaceKHR

typedef VkResult(APIENTRY * PFN_vkCreateWaylandSurfaceKHR) (VkInstance, const VkWaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)

Definition at line 45 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR

typedef VkBool32(APIENTRY * PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR) (VkPhysicalDevice, uint32_t, struct wl_display *)

Definition at line 46 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_cursor_image_get_buffer

typedef struct wl_buffer *(* PFN_wl_cursor_image_get_buffer) (struct wl_cursor_image *)

Definition at line 89 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_cursor_theme_destroy

typedef void(* PFN_wl_cursor_theme_destroy) (struct wl_cursor_theme *)

Definition at line 89 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor

typedef struct wl_cursor *(* PFN_wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor) (struct wl_cursor_theme *, const char *)

Definition at line 89 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_cursor_theme_load

typedef struct wl_cursor_theme *(* PFN_wl_cursor_theme_load) (const char *, int, struct wl_shm *)

Definition at line 46 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_egl_window_create

typedef struct wl_egl_window *(* PFN_wl_egl_window_create) (struct wl_surface *, int, int)

Definition at line 89 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_egl_window_destroy

typedef void(* PFN_wl_egl_window_destroy) (struct wl_egl_window *)

Definition at line 98 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_wl_egl_window_resize

typedef void(* PFN_wl_egl_window_resize) (struct wl_egl_window *, int, int, int, int)

Definition at line 99 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_context_new

typedef struct xkb_context *(* PFN_xkb_context_new) (enum xkb_context_flags)

Definition at line 99 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_context_unref

typedef void(* PFN_xkb_context_unref) (struct xkb_context *)

Definition at line 105 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_keymap_key_repeats

typedef int(* PFN_xkb_keymap_key_repeats) (struct xkb_keymap *, xkb_keycode_t)

Definition at line 109 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_keymap_mod_get_index

typedef xkb_mod_index_t(* PFN_xkb_keymap_mod_get_index) (struct xkb_keymap *, const char *)

Definition at line 108 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_keymap_new_from_string

typedef struct xkb_keymap *(* PFN_xkb_keymap_new_from_string) (struct xkb_context *, const char *, enum xkb_keymap_format, enum xkb_keymap_compile_flags)

Definition at line 105 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_keymap_unref

typedef void(* PFN_xkb_keymap_unref) (struct xkb_keymap *)

Definition at line 107 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_state_key_get_syms

typedef int(* PFN_xkb_state_key_get_syms) (struct xkb_state *, xkb_keycode_t, const xkb_keysym_t **)

Definition at line 112 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_state_new

typedef struct xkb_state *(* PFN_xkb_state_new) (struct xkb_keymap *)

Definition at line 109 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_state_serialize_mods

typedef xkb_mod_mask_t(* PFN_xkb_state_serialize_mods) (struct xkb_state *, enum xkb_state_component)

Definition at line 114 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_state_unref

typedef void(* PFN_xkb_state_unref) (struct xkb_state *)

Definition at line 111 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ PFN_xkb_state_update_mask

typedef enum xkb_state_component(* PFN_xkb_state_update_mask) (struct xkb_state *, xkb_mod_mask_t, xkb_mod_mask_t, xkb_mod_mask_t, xkb_layout_index_t, xkb_layout_index_t, xkb_layout_index_t)

Definition at line 112 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ VkWaylandSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR

Definition at line 34 of file wl_platform.h.

◆ VkWaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _GLFWdecorationSideWayland


Definition at line 149 of file wl_platform.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwAddOutputWayland()

void _glfwAddOutputWayland ( uint32_t  name,
uint32_t  version 

Definition at line 121 of file wl_monitor.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function: