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cocoa_platform.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include "posix_thread.h"
#include "cocoa_joystick.h"
#include "nsgl_context.h"
+ Include dependency graph for cocoa_platform.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  VkMacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK
struct  VkMetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT
struct  _GLFWwindowNS
struct  _GLFWlibraryNS
struct  _GLFWmonitorNS
struct  _GLFWcursorNS
struct  _GLFWtimerNS


#define NSBitmapFormatAlphaNonpremultiplied   NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat
#define NSEventMaskAny   NSAnyEventMask
#define NSEventMaskKeyUp   NSKeyUpMask
#define NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock   NSAlphaShiftKeyMask
#define NSEventModifierFlagCommand   NSCommandKeyMask
#define NSEventModifierFlagControl   NSControlKeyMask
#define NSEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask   NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask
#define NSEventModifierFlagOption   NSAlternateKeyMask
#define NSEventModifierFlagShift   NSShiftKeyMask
#define NSEventTypeApplicationDefined   NSApplicationDefined
#define NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless   NSBorderlessWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskClosable   NSClosableWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable   NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskResizable   NSResizableWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskTitled   NSTitledWindowMask
#define _glfw_dlopen(name)   dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)
#define _glfw_dlclose(handle)   dlclose(handle)
#define _glfw_dlsym(handle, name)   dlsym(handle, name)
#define kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData   _glfw.ns.tis.kPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData
#define TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource   _glfw.ns.tis.CopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource
#define TISGetInputSourceProperty   _glfw.ns.tis.GetInputSourceProperty
#define LMGetKbdType   _glfw.ns.tis.GetKbdType


typedef void * id
typedef VkFlags VkMacOSSurfaceCreateFlagsMVK
typedef VkFlags VkMetalSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT
typedef struct VkMacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK VkMacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK
typedef struct VkMetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT VkMetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT
typedef VkResult(APIENTRYPFN_vkCreateMacOSSurfaceMVK) (VkInstance, const VkMacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)
typedef VkResult(APIENTRYPFN_vkCreateMetalSurfaceEXT) (VkInstance, const VkMetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)
typedef TISInputSourceRef(* PFN_TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource) (void)
typedef void *(* PFN_TISGetInputSourceProperty) (TISInputSourceRef, CFStringRef)
typedef UInt8(* PFN_LMGetKbdType) (void)
typedef struct _GLFWwindowNS _GLFWwindowNS
typedef struct _GLFWlibraryNS _GLFWlibraryNS
typedef struct _GLFWmonitorNS _GLFWmonitorNS
typedef struct _GLFWcursorNS _GLFWcursorNS
typedef struct _GLFWtimerNS _GLFWtimerNS


void _glfwInitTimerNS (void)
void _glfwPollMonitorsNS (void)
void _glfwSetVideoModeNS (_GLFWmonitor *monitor, const GLFWvidmode *desired)
void _glfwRestoreVideoModeNS (_GLFWmonitor *monitor)
float _glfwTransformYNS (float y)
void * _glfwLoadLocalVulkanLoaderNS (void)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _glfw_dlclose

#define _glfw_dlclose (   handle)    dlclose(handle)

Definition at line 90 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlopen

#define _glfw_dlopen (   name)    dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)

Definition at line 89 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlsym

#define _glfw_dlsym (   handle,
)    dlsym(handle, name)

Definition at line 91 of file cocoa_platform.h.



Definition at line 97 of file cocoa_platform.h.



Definition at line 95 of file cocoa_platform.h.



Definition at line 94 of file cocoa_platform.h.



Definition at line 96 of file cocoa_platform.h.



Definition at line 93 of file cocoa_platform.h.



Definition at line 34 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData

#define kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData   _glfw.ns.tis.kPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData

Definition at line 100 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ LMGetKbdType

#define LMGetKbdType   _glfw.ns.tis.GetKbdType

Definition at line 106 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSBitmapFormatAlphaNonpremultiplied

#define NSBitmapFormatAlphaNonpremultiplied   NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat

Definition at line 46 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventMaskAny

#define NSEventMaskAny   NSAnyEventMask

Definition at line 47 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventMaskKeyUp

#define NSEventMaskKeyUp   NSKeyUpMask

Definition at line 48 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock

#define NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock   NSAlphaShiftKeyMask

Definition at line 49 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventModifierFlagCommand

#define NSEventModifierFlagCommand   NSCommandKeyMask

Definition at line 50 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventModifierFlagControl

#define NSEventModifierFlagControl   NSControlKeyMask

Definition at line 51 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask

#define NSEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask   NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask

Definition at line 52 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventModifierFlagOption

#define NSEventModifierFlagOption   NSAlternateKeyMask

Definition at line 53 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventModifierFlagShift

#define NSEventModifierFlagShift   NSShiftKeyMask

Definition at line 54 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSEventTypeApplicationDefined

#define NSEventTypeApplicationDefined   NSApplicationDefined

Definition at line 55 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless

#define NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless   NSBorderlessWindowMask

Definition at line 56 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSWindowStyleMaskClosable

#define NSWindowStyleMaskClosable   NSClosableWindowMask

Definition at line 57 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable

#define NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable   NSMiniaturizableWindowMask

Definition at line 58 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSWindowStyleMaskResizable

#define NSWindowStyleMaskResizable   NSResizableWindowMask

Definition at line 59 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ NSWindowStyleMaskTitled

#define NSWindowStyleMaskTitled   NSTitledWindowMask

Definition at line 60 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource

#define TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource   _glfw.ns.tis.CopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource

Definition at line 102 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ TISGetInputSourceProperty

#define TISGetInputSourceProperty   _glfw.ns.tis.GetInputSourceProperty

Definition at line 104 of file cocoa_platform.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _GLFWcursorNS

typedef struct _GLFWcursorNS _GLFWcursorNS

◆ _GLFWlibraryNS

◆ _GLFWmonitorNS

◆ _GLFWtimerNS

typedef struct _GLFWtimerNS _GLFWtimerNS

◆ _GLFWwindowNS

typedef struct _GLFWwindowNS _GLFWwindowNS

◆ id

typedef void* id

Definition at line 39 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ PFN_LMGetKbdType

typedef UInt8(* PFN_LMGetKbdType) (void)

Definition at line 105 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ PFN_TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource

typedef TISInputSourceRef(* PFN_TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource) (void)

Definition at line 101 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ PFN_TISGetInputSourceProperty

typedef void *(* PFN_TISGetInputSourceProperty) (TISInputSourceRef, CFStringRef)

Definition at line 103 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ PFN_vkCreateMacOSSurfaceMVK

typedef VkResult(APIENTRY * PFN_vkCreateMacOSSurfaceMVK) (VkInstance, const VkMacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)

Definition at line 82 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ PFN_vkCreateMetalSurfaceEXT

typedef VkResult(APIENTRY * PFN_vkCreateMetalSurfaceEXT) (VkInstance, const VkMetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)

Definition at line 83 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ VkMacOSSurfaceCreateFlagsMVK

Definition at line 63 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ VkMacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK

◆ VkMetalSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT

Definition at line 64 of file cocoa_platform.h.

◆ VkMetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwInitTimerNS()

void _glfwInitTimerNS ( void  )

Definition at line 40 of file cocoa_time.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwLoadLocalVulkanLoaderNS()

void * _glfwLoadLocalVulkanLoaderNS ( void  )

Definition at line 466 of file cocoa_init.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPollMonitorsNS()

void _glfwPollMonitorsNS ( void  )

Definition at line 300 of file cocoa_monitor.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwRestoreVideoModeNS()

void _glfwRestoreVideoModeNS ( _GLFWmonitor monitor)

Definition at line 431 of file cocoa_monitor.m.

◆ _glfwSetVideoModeNS()

void _glfwSetVideoModeNS ( _GLFWmonitor monitor,
const GLFWvidmode desired 

Definition at line 388 of file cocoa_monitor.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _glfwTransformYNS()

float _glfwTransformYNS ( float  y)

Definition at line 889 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: