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Vulkan support reference

Functions and types related to Vulkan. More...


typedef void(* GLFWvkproc) (void)
 Vulkan API function pointer type. More...


GLFWAPI int glfwVulkanSupported (void)
 Returns whether the Vulkan loader and an ICD have been found. More...
GLFWAPI const char ** glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions (uint32_t *count)
 Returns the Vulkan instance extensions required by GLFW. More...

Detailed Description

Functions and types related to Vulkan.

This is the reference documentation for Vulkan related functions and types. For more task-oriented information, see the vulkan_guide.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GLFWvkproc

typedef void(* GLFWvkproc) (void)

Vulkan API function pointer type.

Generic function pointer used for returning Vulkan API function pointers without forcing a cast from a regular pointer.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 1295 of file glfw3.h.

Function Documentation

◆ glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions()

GLFWAPI const char ** glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions ( uint32_t count)

Returns the Vulkan instance extensions required by GLFW.

This function returns an array of names of Vulkan instance extensions required by GLFW for creating Vulkan surfaces for GLFW windows. If successful, the list will always contain VK_KHR_surface, so if you don't require any additional extensions you can pass this list directly to the VkInstanceCreateInfo struct.

If Vulkan is not available on the machine, this function returns NULL and generates a GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE error. Call glfwVulkanSupported to check whether Vulkan is at least minimally available.

If Vulkan is available but no set of extensions allowing window surface creation was found, this function returns NULL. You may still use Vulkan for off-screen rendering and compute work.

[out]countWhere to store the number of extensions in the returned array. This is set to zero if an error occurred.
An array of ASCII encoded extension names, or NULL if an error occurred.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE.

Additional extensions may be required by future versions of GLFW. You should check if any extensions you wish to enable are already in the returned array, as it is an error to specify an extension more than once in the VkInstanceCreateInfo struct.
@macos GLFW currently supports both the VK_MVK_macos_surface and the newer VK_EXT_metal_surface extensions.

@pointer_lifetime The returned array is allocated and freed by GLFW. You should not free it yourself. It is guaranteed to be valid only until the library is terminated.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 231 of file vulkan.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwVulkanSupported()

GLFWAPI int glfwVulkanSupported ( void  )

Returns whether the Vulkan loader and an ICD have been found.

This function returns whether the Vulkan loader and any minimally functional ICD have been found.

The availability of a Vulkan loader and even an ICD does not by itself guarantee that surface creation or even instance creation is possible. For example, on Fermi systems Nvidia will install an ICD that provides no actual Vulkan support. Call glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions to check whether the extensions necessary for Vulkan surface creation are available and glfwGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport to check whether a queue family of a physical device supports image presentation.

GLFW_TRUE if Vulkan is minimally available, or GLFW_FALSE otherwise.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 225 of file vulkan.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function: