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Window reference

Functions and types related to windows. More...


struct  GLFWimage
 Image data. More...


#define GLFW_FOCUSED   0x00020001
 Input focus window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_ICONIFIED   0x00020002
 Window iconification window attribute. More...
#define GLFW_RESIZABLE   0x00020003
 Window resize-ability window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_VISIBLE   0x00020004
 Window visibility window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_DECORATED   0x00020005
 Window decoration window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY   0x00020006
 Window auto-iconification window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_FLOATING   0x00020007
 Window decoration window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_MAXIMIZED   0x00020008
 Window maximization window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CENTER_CURSOR   0x00020009
 Cursor centering window hint. More...
 Window framebuffer transparency hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_HOVERED   0x0002000B
 Mouse cursor hover window attribute. More...
#define GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW   0x0002000C
 Input focus on calling show window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH   0x0002000D
 Mouse input transparency window hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_RED_BITS   0x00021001
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_GREEN_BITS   0x00021002
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_BLUE_BITS   0x00021003
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_ALPHA_BITS   0x00021004
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_DEPTH_BITS   0x00021005
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_STENCIL_BITS   0x00021006
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_ACCUM_RED_BITS   0x00021007
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS   0x00021008
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS   0x00021009
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS   0x0002100A
 Framebuffer bit depth hint. More...
#define GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS   0x0002100B
 Framebuffer auxiliary buffer hint. More...
#define GLFW_STEREO   0x0002100C
 OpenGL stereoscopic rendering hint. More...
#define GLFW_SAMPLES   0x0002100D
 Framebuffer MSAA samples hint. More...
#define GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE   0x0002100E
 Framebuffer sRGB hint. More...
#define GLFW_REFRESH_RATE   0x0002100F
 Monitor refresh rate hint. More...
#define GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER   0x00021010
 Framebuffer double buffering hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CLIENT_API   0x00022001
 Context client API hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR   0x00022002
 Context client API major version hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR   0x00022003
 Context client API minor version hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_REVISION   0x00022004
 Context client API revision number hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS   0x00022005
 Context robustness hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT   0x00022006
 OpenGL forward-compatibility hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_DEBUG   0x00022007
 Debug mode context hint and attribute. More...
 Legacy name for compatibility. More...
#define GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE   0x00022008
 OpenGL profile hint and attribute. More...
 Context flush-on-release hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_NO_ERROR   0x0002200A
 Context error suppression hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_CONTEXT_CREATION_API   0x0002200B
 Context creation API hint and attribute. More...
#define GLFW_SCALE_TO_MONITOR   0x0002200C
 Window content area scaling window window hint. More...
 macOS specific window hint. More...
#define GLFW_COCOA_FRAME_NAME   0x00023002
 macOS specific window hint. More...
 macOS specific window hint. More...
#define GLFW_X11_CLASS_NAME   0x00024001
 X11 specific window hint. More...
#define GLFW_X11_INSTANCE_NAME   0x00024002
 X11 specific window hint. More...
#define GLFW_WIN32_KEYBOARD_MENU   0x00025001


typedef struct GLFWwindow GLFWwindow
 Opaque window object. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowposfun) (GLFWwindow *, int, int)
 The function pointer type for window position callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowsizefun) (GLFWwindow *, int, int)
 The function pointer type for window size callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowclosefun) (GLFWwindow *)
 The function pointer type for window close callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowrefreshfun) (GLFWwindow *)
 The function pointer type for window content refresh callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowfocusfun) (GLFWwindow *, int)
 The function pointer type for window focus callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowiconifyfun) (GLFWwindow *, int)
 The function pointer type for window iconify callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowmaximizefun) (GLFWwindow *, int)
 The function pointer type for window maximize callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWframebuffersizefun) (GLFWwindow *, int, int)
 The function pointer type for framebuffer size callbacks. More...
typedef void(* GLFWwindowcontentscalefun) (GLFWwindow *, float, float)
 The function pointer type for window content scale callbacks. More...
typedef struct GLFWimage GLFWimage
 Image data. More...


GLFWAPI void glfwDefaultWindowHints (void)
 Resets all window hints to their default values. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwWindowHint (int hint, int value)
 Sets the specified window hint to the desired value. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwWindowHintString (int hint, const char *value)
 Sets the specified window hint to the desired value. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowglfwCreateWindow (int width, int height, const char *title, GLFWmonitor *monitor, GLFWwindow *share)
 Creates a window and its associated context. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwDestroyWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Destroys the specified window and its context. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwWindowShouldClose (GLFWwindow *window)
 Checks the close flag of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowShouldClose (GLFWwindow *window, int value)
 Sets the close flag of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowTitle (GLFWwindow *window, const char *title)
 Sets the title of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowIcon (GLFWwindow *window, int count, const GLFWimage *images)
 Sets the icon for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowPos (GLFWwindow *window, int *xpos, int *ypos)
 Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowPos (GLFWwindow *window, int xpos, int ypos)
 Sets the position of the content area of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowSize (GLFWwindow *window, int *width, int *height)
 Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowSizeLimits (GLFWwindow *window, int minwidth, int minheight, int maxwidth, int maxheight)
 Sets the size limits of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowAspectRatio (GLFWwindow *window, int numer, int denom)
 Sets the aspect ratio of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowSize (GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height)
 Sets the size of the content area of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwGetFramebufferSize (GLFWwindow *window, int *width, int *height)
 Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowFrameSize (GLFWwindow *window, int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
 Retrieves the size of the frame of the window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowContentScale (GLFWwindow *window, float *xscale, float *yscale)
 Retrieves the content scale for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI float glfwGetWindowOpacity (GLFWwindow *window)
 Returns the opacity of the whole window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowOpacity (GLFWwindow *window, float opacity)
 Sets the opacity of the whole window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwIconifyWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Iconifies the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwRestoreWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Restores the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwMaximizeWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Maximizes the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Makes the specified window visible. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwHideWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Hides the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwFocusWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
 Brings the specified window to front and sets input focus. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwRequestWindowAttention (GLFWwindow *window)
 Requests user attention to the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWmonitorglfwGetWindowMonitor (GLFWwindow *window)
 Returns the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowMonitor (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWmonitor *monitor, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int refreshRate)
 Sets the mode, monitor, video mode and placement of a window. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwGetWindowAttrib (GLFWwindow *window, int attrib)
 Returns an attribute of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowAttrib (GLFWwindow *window, int attrib, int value)
 Sets an attribute of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowUserPointer (GLFWwindow *window, void *pointer)
 Sets the user pointer of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void * glfwGetWindowUserPointer (GLFWwindow *window)
 Returns the user pointer of the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowposfun glfwSetWindowPosCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowposfun callback)
 Sets the position callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowsizefun glfwSetWindowSizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowsizefun callback)
 Sets the size callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowclosefun glfwSetWindowCloseCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowclosefun callback)
 Sets the close callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowrefreshfun glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowrefreshfun callback)
 Sets the refresh callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowfocusfun glfwSetWindowFocusCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowfocusfun callback)
 Sets the focus callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowiconifyfun glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowiconifyfun callback)
 Sets the iconify callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowmaximizefun glfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowmaximizefun callback)
 Sets the maximize callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWframebuffersizefun glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWframebuffersizefun callback)
 Sets the framebuffer resize callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWwindowcontentscalefun glfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowcontentscalefun callback)
 Sets the window content scale callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwPollEvents (void)
 Processes all pending events. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwWaitEvents (void)
 Waits until events are queued and processes them. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwWaitEventsTimeout (double timeout)
 Waits with timeout until events are queued and processes them. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwPostEmptyEvent (void)
 Posts an empty event to the event queue. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSwapBuffers (GLFWwindow *window)
 Swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window. More...

Detailed Description

Functions and types related to windows.

This is the reference documentation for window related functions and types, including creation, deletion and event polling. For more task-oriented information, see the window_guide.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS   0x0002100A

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 955 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS   0x00021009

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 950 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS   0x00021008

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 945 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_ACCUM_RED_BITS   0x00021007

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 940 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_ALPHA_BITS   0x00021004

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 925 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY   0x00020006

Window auto-iconification window hint and attribute.

Window auto-iconification window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 862 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS   0x0002100B

Framebuffer auxiliary buffer hint.

Framebuffer auxiliary buffer hint.

Definition at line 960 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_BLUE_BITS   0x00021003

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 920 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CENTER_CURSOR   0x00020009

Cursor centering window hint.

Cursor centering window hint.

Definition at line 879 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CLIENT_API   0x00022001

Context client API hint and attribute.

Context client API hint and attribute.

Definition at line 993 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_COCOA_FRAME_NAME   0x00023002

macOS specific window hint.

Definition at line 1070 of file glfw3.h.



macOS specific window hint.

Definition at line 1074 of file glfw3.h.



macOS specific window hint.

Definition at line 1066 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_CREATION_API   0x0002200B

Context creation API hint and attribute.

Context creation API hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1058 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_DEBUG   0x00022007

Debug mode context hint and attribute.

Debug mode context hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1029 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_NO_ERROR   0x0002200A

Context error suppression hint and attribute.

Context error suppression hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1052 of file glfw3.h.



Context flush-on-release hint and attribute.

Context flush-on-release hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1046 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_REVISION   0x00022004

Context client API revision number hint and attribute.

Context client API revision number attribute.

Definition at line 1011 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS   0x00022005

Context robustness hint and attribute.

Context client API revision number hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1017 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR   0x00022002

Context client API major version hint and attribute.

Context client API major version hint and attribute.

Definition at line 999 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR   0x00022003

Context client API minor version hint and attribute.

Context client API minor version hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1005 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_DECORATED   0x00020005

Window decoration window hint and attribute.

Window decoration window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 856 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_DEPTH_BITS   0x00021005

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 930 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER   0x00021010

Framebuffer double buffering hint and attribute.

Framebuffer double buffering hint and attribute.

Definition at line 986 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_FLOATING   0x00020007

Window decoration window hint and attribute.

Window decoration window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 868 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW   0x0002000C

Input focus on calling show window hint and attribute.

Input focus window hint or window attribute.

Definition at line 897 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_FOCUSED   0x00020001

Input focus window hint and attribute.

Input focus window hint or window attribute.

Definition at line 833 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_GREEN_BITS   0x00021002

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 915 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_HOVERED   0x0002000B

Mouse cursor hover window attribute.

Mouse cursor hover window attribute.

Definition at line 891 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_ICONIFIED   0x00020002

Window iconification window attribute.

Window iconification window attribute.

Definition at line 838 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_MAXIMIZED   0x00020008

Window maximization window hint and attribute.

Window maximization window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 874 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH   0x0002000D

Mouse input transparency window hint and attribute.

Mouse input transparency window hint or window attribute.

Definition at line 904 of file glfw3.h.



Legacy name for compatibility.

This is an alias for compatibility with earlier versions.

Definition at line 1034 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT   0x00022006

OpenGL forward-compatibility hint and attribute.

OpenGL forward-compatibility hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1023 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE   0x00022008

OpenGL profile hint and attribute.

OpenGL profile hint and attribute.

Definition at line 1040 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_RED_BITS   0x00021001

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 910 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_REFRESH_RATE   0x0002100F

Monitor refresh rate hint.

Monitor refresh rate hint.

Definition at line 980 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_RESIZABLE   0x00020003

Window resize-ability window hint and attribute.

Window resize-ability window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 844 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_SAMPLES   0x0002100D

Framebuffer MSAA samples hint.

Framebuffer MSAA samples hint.

Definition at line 970 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_SCALE_TO_MONITOR   0x0002200C

Window content area scaling window window hint.

Definition at line 1062 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE   0x0002100E

Framebuffer sRGB hint.

Framebuffer sRGB hint.

Definition at line 975 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_STENCIL_BITS   0x00021006

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Framebuffer bit depth hint.

Definition at line 935 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_STEREO   0x0002100C

OpenGL stereoscopic rendering hint.

OpenGL stereoscopic rendering hint.

Definition at line 965 of file glfw3.h.



Window framebuffer transparency hint and attribute.

Window framebuffer transparency window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 886 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_VISIBLE   0x00020004

Window visibility window hint and attribute.

Window visibility window hint and window attribute.

Definition at line 850 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_WIN32_KEYBOARD_MENU   0x00025001

Definition at line 1083 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_X11_CLASS_NAME   0x00024001

X11 specific window hint.

Definition at line 1078 of file glfw3.h.


#define GLFW_X11_INSTANCE_NAME   0x00024002

X11 specific window hint.

Definition at line 1082 of file glfw3.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GLFWframebuffersizefun

typedef void(* GLFWframebuffersizefun) (GLFWwindow *, int, int)

The function pointer type for framebuffer size callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for framebuffer size callbacks. A framebuffer size callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
struct GLFWwindow GLFWwindow
Opaque window object.
Definition: glfw3.h:1319
[in]windowThe window whose framebuffer was resized.
[in]widthThe new width, in pixels, of the framebuffer.
[in]heightThe new height, in pixels, of the framebuffer.
See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1524 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWimage

typedef struct GLFWimage GLFWimage

Image data.

This describes a single 2D image. See the documentation for each related function what the expected pixel format is.

See also
Added in version 2.1. @glfw3 Removed format and bytes-per-pixel members.

◆ GLFWwindow

typedef struct GLFWwindow GLFWwindow

Opaque window object.

Opaque window object.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1319 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowclosefun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowclosefun) (GLFWwindow *)

The function pointer type for window close callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window close callbacks. A window close callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window)
[in]windowThe window that the user attempted to close.
See also
Added in version 2.5. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 1420 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowcontentscalefun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowcontentscalefun) (GLFWwindow *, float, float)

The function pointer type for window content scale callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window content scale callbacks. A window content scale callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, float xscale, float yscale)
[in]windowThe window whose content scale changed.
[in]xscaleThe new x-axis content scale of the window.
[in]yscaleThe new y-axis content scale of the window.
See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 1545 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowfocusfun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowfocusfun) (GLFWwindow *, int)

The function pointer type for window focus callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window focus callbacks. A window focus callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int focused)
[in]windowThe window that gained or lost input focus.
[in]focusedGLFW_TRUE if the window was given input focus, or GLFW_FALSE if it lost it.
See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1461 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowiconifyfun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowiconifyfun) (GLFWwindow *, int)

The function pointer type for window iconify callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window iconify callbacks. A window iconify callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int iconified)
[in]windowThe window that was iconified or restored.
[in]iconifiedGLFW_TRUE if the window was iconified, or GLFW_FALSE if it was restored.
See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1482 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowmaximizefun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowmaximizefun) (GLFWwindow *, int)

The function pointer type for window maximize callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window maximize callbacks. A window maximize callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int maximized)
[in]windowThe window that was maximized or restored.
[in]maximizedGLFW_TRUE if the window was maximized, or GLFW_FALSE if it was restored.
See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 1503 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowposfun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowposfun) (GLFWwindow *, int, int)

The function pointer type for window position callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window position callbacks. A window position callback function has the following signature:

void callback_name(GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos)
[in]windowThe window that was moved.
[in]xposThe new x-coordinate, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the window.
[in]yposThe new y-coordinate, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the window.
See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1378 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowrefreshfun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowrefreshfun) (GLFWwindow *)

The function pointer type for window content refresh callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window content refresh callbacks. A window content refresh callback function has the following signature:

void function_name(GLFWwindow* window);
[in]windowThe window whose content needs to be refreshed.
See also
Added in version 2.5. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 1440 of file glfw3.h.

◆ GLFWwindowsizefun

typedef void(* GLFWwindowsizefun) (GLFWwindow *, int, int)

The function pointer type for window size callbacks.

This is the function pointer type for window size callbacks. A window size callback function has the following signature:

void callback_name(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
[in]windowThe window that was resized.
[in]widthThe new width, in screen coordinates, of the window.
[in]heightThe new height, in screen coordinates, of the window.
See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 1400 of file glfw3.h.

Function Documentation

◆ glfwCreateWindow()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindow * glfwCreateWindow ( int  width,
int  height,
const char *  title,
GLFWmonitor monitor,
GLFWwindow share 

Creates a window and its associated context.

This function creates a window and its associated OpenGL or OpenGL ES context. Most of the options controlling how the window and its context should be created are specified with window hints.

Successful creation does not change which context is current. Before you can use the newly created context, you need to make it current. For information about the share parameter, see context_sharing.

The created window, framebuffer and context may differ from what you requested, as not all parameters and hints are hard constraints. This includes the size of the window, especially for full screen windows. To query the actual attributes of the created window, framebuffer and context, see glfwGetWindowAttrib, glfwGetWindowSize and glfwGetFramebufferSize.

To create a full screen window, you need to specify the monitor the window will cover. If no monitor is specified, the window will be windowed mode. Unless you have a way for the user to choose a specific monitor, it is recommended that you pick the primary monitor. For more information on how to query connected monitors, see monitor_monitors.

For full screen windows, the specified size becomes the resolution of the window's desired video mode. As long as a full screen window is not iconified, the supported video mode most closely matching the desired video mode is set for the specified monitor. For more information about full screen windows, including the creation of so called windowed full screen or borderless full screen windows, see window_windowed_full_screen.

Once you have created the window, you can switch it between windowed and full screen mode with glfwSetWindowMonitor. This will not affect its OpenGL or OpenGL ES context.

By default, newly created windows use the placement recommended by the window system. To create the window at a specific position, make it initially invisible using the GLFW_VISIBLE window hint, set its position and then show it.

As long as at least one full screen window is not iconified, the screensaver is prohibited from starting.

Window systems put limits on window sizes. Very large or very small window dimensions may be overridden by the window system on creation. Check the actual size after creation.

The swap interval is not set during window creation and the initial value may vary depending on driver settings and defaults.

[in]widthThe desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window. This must be greater than zero.
[in]heightThe desired height, in screen coordinates, of the window. This must be greater than zero.
[in]titleThe initial, UTF-8 encoded window title.
[in]monitorThe monitor to use for full screen mode, or NULL for windowed mode.
[in]shareThe window whose context to share resources with, or NULL to not share resources.
The handle of the created window, or NULL if an error occurred.


@win32 Window creation will fail if the Microsoft GDI software OpenGL implementation is the only one available.
@win32 If the executable has an icon resource named GLFW_ICON, it will be set as the initial icon for the window. If no such icon is present, the IDI_APPLICATION icon will be used instead. To set a different icon, see glfwSetWindowIcon.
@win32 The context to share resources with must not be current on any other thread.
@macos The OS only supports core profile contexts for OpenGL versions 3.2 and later. Before creating an OpenGL context of version 3.2 or later you must set the GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE hint accordingly. OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1 contexts are not supported at all on macOS.
@macos The GLFW window has no icon, as it is not a document window, but the dock icon will be the same as the application bundle's icon. For more information on bundles, see the Bundle Programming Guide in the Mac Developer Library.
@macos On OS X 10.10 and later the window frame will not be rendered at full resolution on Retina displays unless the GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER hint is GLFW_TRUE and the NSHighResolutionCapable key is enabled in the application bundle's Info.plist. For more information, see High Resolution Guidelines for OS X in the Mac Developer Library. The GLFW test and example programs use a custom Info.plist template for this, which can be found as CMake/Info.plist.in in the source tree.
@macos When activating frame autosaving with GLFW_COCOA_FRAME_NAME, the specified window size and position may be overridden by previously saved values.
@x11 Some window managers will not respect the placement of initially hidden windows.
@x11 Due to the asynchronous nature of X11, it may take a moment for a window to reach its requested state. This means you may not be able to query the final size, position or other attributes directly after window creation.
@x11 The class part of the WM_CLASS window property will by default be set to the window title passed to this function. The instance part will use the contents of the RESOURCE_NAME environment variable, if present and not empty, or fall back to the window title. Set the GLFW_X11_CLASS_NAME and GLFW_X11_INSTANCE_NAME window hints to override this.
@wayland Compositors should implement the xdg-decoration protocol for GLFW to decorate the window properly. If this protocol isn't supported, or if the compositor prefers client-side decorations, a very simple fallback frame will be drawn using the wp_viewporter protocol. A compositor can still emit close, maximize or fullscreen events, using for instance a keybind mechanism. If neither of these protocols is supported, the window won't be decorated.
@wayland A full screen window will not attempt to change the mode, no matter what the requested size or refresh rate.
@wayland Screensaver inhibition requires the idle-inhibit protocol to be implemented in the user's compositor.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwOpenWindow.

Definition at line 152 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwDefaultWindowHints()

GLFWAPI void glfwDefaultWindowHints ( void  )

Resets all window hints to their default values.

This function resets all window hints to their default values.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 255 of file window.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwDestroyWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwDestroyWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Destroys the specified window and its context.

This function destroys the specified window and its context. On calling this function, no further callbacks will be called for that window.

If the context of the specified window is current on the main thread, it is detached before being destroyed.

[in]windowThe window to destroy.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

The context of the specified window must not be current on any other thread when this function is called.

@reentrancy This function must not be called from a callback.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwCloseWindow.

Definition at line 453 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwFocusWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwFocusWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Brings the specified window to front and sets input focus.

This function brings the specified window to front and sets input focus. The window should already be visible and not iconified.

By default, both windowed and full screen mode windows are focused when initially created. Set the GLFW_FOCUSED to disable this behavior.

Also by default, windowed mode windows are focused when shown with glfwShowWindow. Set the GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW to disable this behavior.

Do not use this function to steal focus from other applications unless you are certain that is what the user wants. Focus stealing can be extremely disruptive.

For a less disruptive way of getting the user's attention, see attention requests.

[in]windowThe window to give input focus.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR and GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE (see remarks).

@wayland It is not possible for an application to set the input focus. This function will emit GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 803 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetFramebufferSize()

GLFWAPI void glfwGetFramebufferSize ( GLFWwindow window,
int *  width,
int *  height 

Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window.

This function retrieves the size, in pixels, of the framebuffer of the specified window. If you wish to retrieve the size of the window in screen coordinates, see glfwGetWindowSize.

Any or all of the size arguments may be NULL. If an error occurs, all non-NULL size arguments will be set to zero.

[in]windowThe window whose framebuffer to query.
[out]widthWhere to store the width, in pixels, of the framebuffer, or NULL.
[out]heightWhere to store the height, in pixels, of the framebuffer, or NULL.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 656 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowAttrib()

GLFWAPI int glfwGetWindowAttrib ( GLFWwindow window,
int  attrib 

Returns an attribute of the specified window.

This function returns the value of an attribute of the specified window or its OpenGL or OpenGL ES context.

[in]windowThe window to query.
[in]attribThe window attribute whose value to return.
The value of the attribute, or zero if an error occurred.


Framebuffer related hints are not window attributes. See window_attribs_fb for more information.
Zero is a valid value for many window and context related attributes so you cannot use a return value of zero as an indication of errors. However, this function should not fail as long as it is passed valid arguments and the library has been initialized.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwGetWindowParam and glfwGetGLVersion.

Definition at line 813 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowContentScale()

GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowContentScale ( GLFWwindow window,
float *  xscale,
float *  yscale 

Retrieves the content scale for the specified window.

This function retrieves the content scale for the specified window. The content scale is the ratio between the current DPI and the platform's default DPI. This is especially important for text and any UI elements. If the pixel dimensions of your UI scaled by this look appropriate on your machine then it should appear at a reasonable size on other machines regardless of their DPI and scaling settings. This relies on the system DPI and scaling settings being somewhat correct.

On systems where each monitors can have its own content scale, the window content scale will depend on which monitor the system considers the window to be on.

[in]windowThe window to query.
[out]xscaleWhere to store the x-axis content scale, or NULL.
[out]yscaleWhere to store the y-axis content scale, or NULL.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 690 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowFrameSize()

GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowFrameSize ( GLFWwindow window,
int *  left,
int *  top,
int *  right,
int *  bottom 

Retrieves the size of the frame of the window.

This function retrieves the size, in screen coordinates, of each edge of the frame of the specified window. This size includes the title bar, if the window has one. The size of the frame may vary depending on the window-related hints used to create it.

Because this function retrieves the size of each window frame edge and not the offset along a particular coordinate axis, the retrieved values will always be zero or positive.

Any or all of the size arguments may be NULL. If an error occurs, all non-NULL size arguments will be set to zero.

[in]windowThe window whose frame size to query.
[out]leftWhere to store the size, in screen coordinates, of the left edge of the window frame, or NULL.
[out]topWhere to store the size, in screen coordinates, of the top edge of the window frame, or NULL.
[out]rightWhere to store the size, in screen coordinates, of the right edge of the window frame, or NULL.
[out]bottomWhere to store the size, in screen coordinates, of the bottom edge of the window frame, or NULL.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.1.

Definition at line 670 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowMonitor()

GLFWAPI GLFWmonitor * glfwGetWindowMonitor ( GLFWwindow window)

Returns the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode.

This function returns the handle of the monitor that the specified window is in full screen on.

[in]windowThe window to query.
The monitor, or NULL if the window is in windowed mode or an error occurred.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 916 of file window.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowOpacity()

GLFWAPI float glfwGetWindowOpacity ( GLFWwindow window)

Returns the opacity of the whole window.

This function returns the opacity of the window, including any decorations.

The opacity (or alpha) value is a positive finite number between zero and one, where zero is fully transparent and one is fully opaque. If the system does not support whole window transparency, this function always returns one.

The initial opacity value for newly created windows is one.

[in]windowThe window to query.
The opacity value of the specified window.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 705 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowPos()

GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowPos ( GLFWwindow window,
int *  xpos,
int *  ypos 

Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window.

This function retrieves the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the specified window.

Any or all of the position arguments may be NULL. If an error occurs, all non-NULL position arguments will be set to zero.

[in]windowThe window to query.
[out]xposWhere to store the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area, or NULL.
[out]yposWhere to store the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area, or NULL.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR and GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE (see remarks).

@wayland There is no way for an application to retrieve the global position of its windows. This function will emit GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 526 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowSize()

GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowSize ( GLFWwindow window,
int *  width,
int *  height 

Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window.

This function retrieves the size, in screen coordinates, of the content area of the specified window. If you wish to retrieve the size of the framebuffer of the window in pixels, see glfwGetFramebufferSize.

Any or all of the size arguments may be NULL. If an error occurs, all non-NULL size arguments will be set to zero.

[in]windowThe window whose size to retrieve.
[out]widthWhere to store the width, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or NULL.
[out]heightWhere to store the height, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or NULL.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 553 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetWindowUserPointer()

GLFWAPI void * glfwGetWindowUserPointer ( GLFWwindow window)

Returns the user pointer of the specified window.

This function returns the current value of the user-defined pointer of the specified window. The initial value is NULL.

[in]windowThe window whose pointer to return.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not synchronized.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 973 of file window.c.

◆ glfwHideWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwHideWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Hides the specified window.

This function hides the specified window if it was previously visible. If the window is already hidden or is in full screen mode, this function does nothing.

[in]windowThe window to hide.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 790 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwIconifyWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwIconifyWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Iconifies the specified window.

This function iconifies (minimizes) the specified window if it was previously restored. If the window is already iconified, this function does nothing.

If the specified window is a full screen window, the original monitor resolution is restored until the window is restored.

[in]windowThe window to iconify.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@wayland Once a window is iconified, glfwRestoreWindow won’t be able to restore it. This is a design decision of the xdg-shell protocol.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 2.1. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 733 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwMaximizeWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwMaximizeWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Maximizes the specified window.

This function maximizes the specified window if it was previously not maximized. If the window is already maximized, this function does nothing.

If the specified window is a full screen window, this function does nothing.

[in]windowThe window to maximize.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

Thread Safety
This function may only be called from the main thread.
See also
Added in GLFW 3.2.

Definition at line 751 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwPollEvents()

GLFWAPI void glfwPollEvents ( void  )

Processes all pending events.

This function processes only those events that are already in the event queue and then returns immediately. Processing events will cause the window and input callbacks associated with those events to be called.

On some platforms, a window move, resize or menu operation will cause event processing to block. This is due to how event processing is designed on those platforms. You can use the window refresh callback to redraw the contents of your window when necessary during such operations.

Do not assume that callbacks you set will only be called in response to event processing functions like this one. While it is necessary to poll for events, window systems that require GLFW to register callbacks of its own can pass events to GLFW in response to many window system function calls. GLFW will pass those events on to the application callbacks before returning.

Event processing is not required for joystick input to work.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@reentrancy This function must not be called from a callback.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0.

Definition at line 1081 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwPostEmptyEvent()

GLFWAPI void glfwPostEmptyEvent ( void  )

Posts an empty event to the event queue.

This function posts an empty event from the current thread to the event queue, causing glfwWaitEvents or glfwWaitEventsTimeout to return.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread.

See also
Added in version 3.1.

Definition at line 1109 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwRequestWindowAttention()

GLFWAPI void glfwRequestWindowAttention ( GLFWwindow window)

Requests user attention to the specified window.

This function requests user attention to the specified window. On platforms where this is not supported, attention is requested to the application as a whole.

Once the user has given attention, usually by focusing the window or application, the system will end the request automatically.

[in]windowThe window to request attention to.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@macos Attention is requested to the application as a whole, not the specific window.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 780 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwRestoreWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwRestoreWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Restores the specified window.

This function restores the specified window if it was previously iconified (minimized) or maximized. If the window is already restored, this function does nothing.

If the specified window is a full screen window, the resolution chosen for the window is restored on the selected monitor.

[in]windowThe window to restore.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 2.1. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 742 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWframebuffersizefun glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWframebuffersizefun  callback 

Sets the framebuffer resize callback for the specified window.

This function sets the framebuffer resize callback of the specified window, which is called when the framebuffer of the specified window is resized.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1059 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowAspectRatio()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowAspectRatio ( GLFWwindow window,
int  numer,
int  denom 

Sets the aspect ratio of the specified window.

This function sets the required aspect ratio of the content area of the specified window. If the window is full screen, the aspect ratio only takes effect once it is made windowed. If the window is not resizable, this function does nothing.

The aspect ratio is specified as a numerator and a denominator and both values must be greater than zero. For example, the common 16:9 aspect ratio is specified as 16 and 9, respectively.

If the numerator and denominator is set to GLFW_DONT_CARE then the aspect ratio limit is disabled.

The aspect ratio is applied immediately to a windowed mode window and may cause it to be resized.

[in]windowThe window to set limits for.
[in]numerThe numerator of the desired aspect ratio, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
[in]denomThe denominator of the desired aspect ratio, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.


If you set size limits and an aspect ratio that conflict, the results are undefined.
@wayland The aspect ratio will not be applied until the window is actually resized, either by the user or by the compositor.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 627 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowAttrib()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowAttrib ( GLFWwindow window,
int  attrib,
int  value 

Sets an attribute of the specified window.

This function sets the value of an attribute of the specified window.


Some of these attributes are ignored for full screen windows. The new value will take effect if the window is later made windowed.

Some of these attributes are ignored for windowed mode windows. The new value will take effect if the window is later made full screen.

[in]windowThe window to set the attribute for.
[in]attribA supported window attribute.


Calling glfwGetWindowAttrib will always return the latest value, even if that value is ignored by the current mode of the window.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 876 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowCloseCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowclosefun glfwSetWindowCloseCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowclosefun  callback 

Sets the close callback for the specified window.

This function sets the close callback of the specified window, which is called when the user attempts to close the window, for example by clicking the close widget in the title bar.

The close flag is set before this callback is called, but you can modify it at any time with glfwSetWindowShouldClose.

The close callback is not triggered by glfwDestroyWindow.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@macos Selecting Quit from the application menu will trigger the close callback for all windows.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 2.5. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter and return value.

Definition at line 1004 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowcontentscalefun glfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowcontentscalefun  callback 

Sets the window content scale callback for the specified window.

This function sets the window content scale callback of the specified window, which is called when the content scale of the specified window changes.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, float xscale, float yscale)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 1070 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowFocusCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowfocusfun glfwSetWindowFocusCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowfocusfun  callback 

Sets the focus callback for the specified window.

This function sets the focus callback of the specified window, which is called when the window gains or loses input focus.

After the focus callback is called for a window that lost input focus, synthetic key and mouse button release events will be generated for all such that had been pressed. For more information, see glfwSetKeyCallback and glfwSetMouseButtonCallback.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int focused)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1026 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowIcon()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowIcon ( GLFWwindow window,
int  count,
const GLFWimage images 

Sets the icon for the specified window.

This function sets the icon of the specified window. If passed an array of candidate images, those of or closest to the sizes desired by the system are selected. If no images are specified, the window reverts to its default icon.

The pixels are 32-bit, little-endian, non-premultiplied RGBA, i.e. eight bits per channel with the red channel first. They are arranged canonically as packed sequential rows, starting from the top-left corner.

The desired image sizes varies depending on platform and system settings. The selected images will be rescaled as needed. Good sizes include 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48.

[in]windowThe window whose icon to set.
[in]countThe number of images in the specified array, or zero to revert to the default window icon.
[in]imagesThe images to create the icon from. This is ignored if count is zero.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR and GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE (see remarks).

@pointer_lifetime The specified image data is copied before this function returns.

@macos Regular windows do not have icons on macOS. This function will emit GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE. The dock icon will be the same as the application bundle's icon. For more information on bundles, see the Bundle Programming Guide in the Mac Developer Library.
@wayland There is no existing protocol to change an icon, the window will thus inherit the one defined in the application's desktop file. This function will emit GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 514 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowiconifyfun glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowiconifyfun  callback 

Sets the iconify callback for the specified window.

This function sets the iconification callback of the specified window, which is called when the window is iconified or restored.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int iconified)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 1037 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowmaximizefun glfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowmaximizefun  callback 

Sets the maximize callback for the specified window.

This function sets the maximization callback of the specified window, which is called when the window is maximized or restored.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int maximized)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 1048 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowMonitor()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowMonitor ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWmonitor monitor,
int  xpos,
int  ypos,
int  width,
int  height,
int  refreshRate 

Sets the mode, monitor, video mode and placement of a window.

This function sets the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode or, if the monitor is NULL, makes it windowed mode.

When setting a monitor, this function updates the width, height and refresh rate of the desired video mode and switches to the video mode closest to it. The window position is ignored when setting a monitor.

When the monitor is NULL, the position, width and height are used to place the window content area. The refresh rate is ignored when no monitor is specified.

If you only wish to update the resolution of a full screen window or the size of a windowed mode window, see glfwSetWindowSize.

When a window transitions from full screen to windowed mode, this function restores any previous window settings such as whether it is decorated, floating, resizable, has size or aspect ratio limits, etc.

[in]windowThe window whose monitor, size or video mode to set.
[in]monitorThe desired monitor, or NULL to set windowed mode.
[in]xposThe desired x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area.
[in]yposThe desired y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area.
[in]widthThe desired with, in screen coordinates, of the content area or video mode.
[in]heightThe desired height, in screen coordinates, of the content area or video mode.
[in]refreshRateThe desired refresh rate, in Hz, of the video mode, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

The OpenGL or OpenGL ES context will not be destroyed or otherwise affected by any resizing or mode switching, although you may need to update your viewport if the framebuffer size has changed.
@wayland The desired window position is ignored, as there is no way for an application to set this property.
@wayland Setting the window to full screen will not attempt to change the mode, no matter what the requested size or refresh rate.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 925 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowOpacity()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowOpacity ( GLFWwindow window,
float  opacity 

Sets the opacity of the whole window.

This function sets the opacity of the window, including any decorations.

The opacity (or alpha) value is a positive finite number between zero and one, where zero is fully transparent and one is fully opaque.

The initial opacity value for newly created windows is one.

A window created with framebuffer transparency may not use whole window transparency. The results of doing this are undefined.

[in]windowThe window to set the opacity for.
[in]opacityThe desired opacity of the specified window.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR and GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE (see remarks).

@wayland There is no way to set an opacity factor for a window. This function will emit GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 714 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowPos()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowPos ( GLFWwindow window,
int  xpos,
int  ypos 

Sets the position of the content area of the specified window.

This function sets the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the specified windowed mode window. If the window is a full screen window, this function does nothing.

Do not use this function to move an already visible window unless you have very good reasons for doing so, as it will confuse and annoy the user.

The window manager may put limits on what positions are allowed. GLFW cannot and should not override these limits.

[in]windowThe window to query.
[in]xposThe x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area.
[in]yposThe y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR and GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE (see remarks).

@wayland There is no way for an application to set the global position of its windows. This function will emit GLFW_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 540 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowPosCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowposfun glfwSetWindowPosCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowposfun  callback 

Sets the position callback for the specified window.

This function sets the position callback of the specified window, which is called when the window is moved. The callback is provided with the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the window.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@wayland This callback will never be called, as there is no way for an application to know its global position.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 982 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowrefreshfun glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowrefreshfun  callback 

Sets the refresh callback for the specified window.

This function sets the refresh callback of the specified window, which is called when the content area of the window needs to be redrawn, for example if the window has been exposed after having been covered by another window.

On compositing window systems such as Aero, Compiz, Aqua or Wayland, where the window contents are saved off-screen, this callback may be called only very infrequently or never at all.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window);

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 2.5. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter and return value.

Definition at line 1015 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowShouldClose()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowShouldClose ( GLFWwindow window,
int  value 

Sets the close flag of the specified window.

This function sets the value of the close flag of the specified window. This can be used to override the user's attempt to close the window, or to signal that it should be closed.

[in]windowThe window whose flag to change.
[in]valueThe new value.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not synchronized.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 495 of file window.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowSize()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowSize ( GLFWwindow window,
int  width,
int  height 

Sets the size of the content area of the specified window.

This function sets the size, in screen coordinates, of the content area of the specified window.

For full screen windows, this function updates the resolution of its desired video mode and switches to the video mode closest to it, without affecting the window's context. As the context is unaffected, the bit depths of the framebuffer remain unchanged.

If you wish to update the refresh rate of the desired video mode in addition to its resolution, see glfwSetWindowMonitor.

The window manager may put limits on what sizes are allowed. GLFW cannot and should not override these limits.

[in]windowThe window to resize.
[in]widthThe desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window content area.
[in]heightThe desired height, in screen coordinates, of the window content area.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@wayland A full screen window will not attempt to change the mode, no matter what the requested size.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 567 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowSizeCallback()

GLFWAPI GLFWwindowsizefun glfwSetWindowSizeCallback ( GLFWwindow window,
GLFWwindowsizefun  callback 

Sets the size callback for the specified window.

This function sets the size callback of the specified window, which is called when the window is resized. The callback is provided with the size, in screen coordinates, of the content area of the window.

[in]windowThe window whose callback to set.
[in]callbackThe new callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback.
The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized.


void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)

For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter and return value.

Definition at line 993 of file window.c.

◆ glfwSetWindowSizeLimits()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowSizeLimits ( GLFWwindow window,
int  minwidth,
int  minheight,
int  maxwidth,
int  maxheight 

Sets the size limits of the specified window.

This function sets the size limits of the content area of the specified window. If the window is full screen, the size limits only take effect once it is made windowed. If the window is not resizable, this function does nothing.

The size limits are applied immediately to a windowed mode window and may cause it to be resized.

The maximum dimensions must be greater than or equal to the minimum dimensions and all must be greater than or equal to zero.

[in]windowThe window to set limits for.
[in]minwidthThe minimum width, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
[in]minheightThe minimum height, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
[in]maxwidthThe maximum width, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
[in]maxheightThe maximum height, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.


If you set size limits and an aspect ratio that conflict, the results are undefined.
@wayland The size limits will not be applied until the window is actually resized, either by the user or by the compositor.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 582 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowTitle()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowTitle ( GLFWwindow window,
const char *  title 

Sets the title of the specified window.

This function sets the window title, encoded as UTF-8, of the specified window.

[in]windowThe window whose title to change.
[in]titleThe UTF-8 encoded window title.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@macos The window title will not be updated until the next time you process events.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 504 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSetWindowUserPointer()

GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowUserPointer ( GLFWwindow window,
void *  pointer 

Sets the user pointer of the specified window.

This function sets the user-defined pointer of the specified window. The current value is retained until the window is destroyed. The initial value is NULL.

[in]windowThe window whose pointer to set.
[in]pointerThe new value.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not synchronized.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 964 of file window.c.

◆ glfwShowWindow()

GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow ( GLFWwindow window)

Makes the specified window visible.

This function makes the specified window visible if it was previously hidden. If the window is already visible or is in full screen mode, this function does nothing.

By default, windowed mode windows are focused when shown Set the GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW window hint to change this behavior for all newly created windows, or change the behavior for an existing window with glfwSetWindowAttrib.

[in]windowThe window to make visible.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 764 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwSwapBuffers()

GLFWAPI void glfwSwapBuffers ( GLFWwindow window)

Swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window.

This function swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window when rendering with OpenGL or OpenGL ES. If the swap interval is greater than zero, the GPU driver waits the specified number of screen updates before swapping the buffers.

The specified window must have an OpenGL or OpenGL ES context. Specifying a window without a context will generate a GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT error.

This function does not apply to Vulkan. If you are rendering with Vulkan, see vkQueuePresentKHR instead.

[in]windowThe window whose buffers to swap.


EGL: The context of the specified window must be current on the calling thread.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread.

See also
Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter.

Definition at line 639 of file context.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwWaitEvents()

GLFWAPI void glfwWaitEvents ( void  )

Waits until events are queued and processes them.

This function puts the calling thread to sleep until at least one event is available in the event queue. Once one or more events are available, it behaves exactly like glfwPollEvents, i.e. the events in the queue are processed and the function then returns immediately. Processing events will cause the window and input callbacks associated with those events to be called.

Since not all events are associated with callbacks, this function may return without a callback having been called even if you are monitoring all callbacks.

On some platforms, a window move, resize or menu operation will cause event processing to block. This is due to how event processing is designed on those platforms. You can use the window refresh callback to redraw the contents of your window when necessary during such operations.

Do not assume that callbacks you set will only be called in response to event processing functions like this one. While it is necessary to poll for events, window systems that require GLFW to register callbacks of its own can pass events to GLFW in response to many window system function calls. GLFW will pass those events on to the application callbacks before returning.

Event processing is not required for joystick input to work.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@reentrancy This function must not be called from a callback.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 2.5.

Definition at line 1087 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwWaitEventsTimeout()

GLFWAPI void glfwWaitEventsTimeout ( double  timeout)

Waits with timeout until events are queued and processes them.

This function puts the calling thread to sleep until at least one event is available in the event queue, or until the specified timeout is reached. If one or more events are available, it behaves exactly like glfwPollEvents, i.e. the events in the queue are processed and the function then returns immediately. Processing events will cause the window and input callbacks associated with those events to be called.

The timeout value must be a positive finite number.

Since not all events are associated with callbacks, this function may return without a callback having been called even if you are monitoring all callbacks.

On some platforms, a window move, resize or menu operation will cause event processing to block. This is due to how event processing is designed on those platforms. You can use the window refresh callback to redraw the contents of your window when necessary during such operations.

Do not assume that callbacks you set will only be called in response to event processing functions like this one. While it is necessary to poll for events, window systems that require GLFW to register callbacks of its own can pass events to GLFW in response to many window system function calls. GLFW will pass those events on to the application callbacks before returning.

Event processing is not required for joystick input to work.

[in]timeoutThe maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait.


@reentrancy This function must not be called from a callback.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.2.

Definition at line 1093 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwWindowHint()

GLFWAPI void glfwWindowHint ( int  hint,
int  value 

Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.

This function sets hints for the next call to glfwCreateWindow. The hints, once set, retain their values until changed by a call to this function or glfwDefaultWindowHints, or until the library is terminated.

Only integer value hints can be set with this function. String value hints are set with glfwWindowHintString.

This function does not check whether the specified hint values are valid. If you set hints to invalid values this will instead be reported by the next call to glfwCreateWindow.

Some hints are platform specific. These may be set on any platform but they will only affect their specific platform. Other platforms will ignore them. Setting these hints requires no platform specific headers or functions.

[in]hintThe window hint to set.
[in]valueThe new value of the window hint.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_INVALID_ENUM.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwOpenWindowHint.

Definition at line 294 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwWindowHintString()

GLFWAPI void glfwWindowHintString ( int  hint,
const char *  value 

Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.

This function sets hints for the next call to glfwCreateWindow. The hints, once set, retain their values until changed by a call to this function or glfwDefaultWindowHints, or until the library is terminated.

Only string type hints can be set with this function. Integer value hints are set with glfwWindowHint.

This function does not check whether the specified hint values are valid. If you set hints to invalid values this will instead be reported by the next call to glfwCreateWindow.

Some hints are platform specific. These may be set on any platform but they will only affect their specific platform. Other platforms will ignore them. Setting these hints requires no platform specific headers or functions.

[in]hintThe window hint to set.
[in]valueThe new value of the window hint.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and GLFW_INVALID_ENUM.

@pointer_lifetime The specified string is copied before this function returns.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

See also
Added in version 3.3.

Definition at line 428 of file window.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfwWindowShouldClose()

GLFWAPI int glfwWindowShouldClose ( GLFWwindow window)

Checks the close flag of the specified window.

This function returns the value of the close flag of the specified window.

[in]windowThe window to query.
The value of the close flag.

@errors Possible errors include GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not synchronized.

See also
Added in version 3.0.

Definition at line 486 of file window.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: