Wise&mystical  1.0
Project about Europe
No Matches
input.c File Reference
#include "internal.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+ Include dependency graph for input.c:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define _GLFW_STICK   3


void _glfwInputKey (_GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
void _glfwInputChar (_GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int codepoint, int mods, GLFWbool plain)
void _glfwInputScroll (_GLFWwindow *window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
void _glfwInputMouseClick (_GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods)
void _glfwInputCursorPos (_GLFWwindow *window, double xpos, double ypos)
void _glfwInputCursorEnter (_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool entered)
void _glfwInputDrop (_GLFWwindow *window, int count, const char **paths)
void _glfwInputJoystick (_GLFWjoystick *js, int event)
void _glfwInputJoystickAxis (_GLFWjoystick *js, int axis, float value)
void _glfwInputJoystickButton (_GLFWjoystick *js, int button, char value)
void _glfwInputJoystickHat (_GLFWjoystick *js, int hat, char value)
_GLFWjoystick_glfwAllocJoystick (const char *name, const char *guid, int axisCount, int buttonCount, int hatCount)
void _glfwFreeJoystick (_GLFWjoystick *js)
void _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea (_GLFWwindow *window)
GLFWAPI int glfwGetInputMode (GLFWwindow *handle, int mode)
 Returns the value of an input option for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetInputMode (GLFWwindow *handle, int mode, int value)
 Sets an input option for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwRawMouseMotionSupported (void)
 Returns whether raw mouse motion is supported. More...
GLFWAPI const char * glfwGetKeyName (int key, int scancode)
 Returns the layout-specific name of the specified printable key. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwGetKeyScancode (int key)
 Returns the platform-specific scancode of the specified key. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwGetKey (GLFWwindow *handle, int key)
 Returns the last reported state of a keyboard key for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwGetMouseButton (GLFWwindow *handle, int button)
 Returns the last reported state of a mouse button for the specified window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwGetCursorPos (GLFWwindow *handle, double *xpos, double *ypos)
 Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the content area of the window. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetCursorPos (GLFWwindow *handle, double xpos, double ypos)
 Sets the position of the cursor, relative to the content area of the window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWcursorglfwCreateCursor (const GLFWimage *image, int xhot, int yhot)
 Creates a custom cursor. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWcursorglfwCreateStandardCursor (int shape)
 Creates a cursor with a standard shape. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwDestroyCursor (GLFWcursor *handle)
 Destroys a cursor. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetCursor (GLFWwindow *windowHandle, GLFWcursor *cursorHandle)
 Sets the cursor for the window. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWkeyfun cbfun)
 Sets the key callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWcharfun glfwSetCharCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWcharfun cbfun)
 Sets the Unicode character callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWcharmodsfun glfwSetCharModsCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWcharmodsfun cbfun)
 Sets the Unicode character with modifiers callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWmousebuttonfun glfwSetMouseButtonCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWmousebuttonfun cbfun)
 Sets the mouse button callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWcursorposfun glfwSetCursorPosCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWcursorposfun cbfun)
 Sets the cursor position callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWcursorenterfun glfwSetCursorEnterCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWcursorenterfun cbfun)
 Sets the cursor enter/leave callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWscrollfun glfwSetScrollCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWscrollfun cbfun)
 Sets the scroll callback. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWdropfun glfwSetDropCallback (GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWdropfun cbfun)
 Sets the path drop callback. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwJoystickPresent (int jid)
 Returns whether the specified joystick is present. More...
GLFWAPI const float * glfwGetJoystickAxes (int jid, int *count)
 Returns the values of all axes of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI const unsigned char * glfwGetJoystickButtons (int jid, int *count)
 Returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI const unsigned char * glfwGetJoystickHats (int jid, int *count)
 Returns the state of all hats of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI const char * glfwGetJoystickName (int jid)
 Returns the name of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI const char * glfwGetJoystickGUID (int jid)
 Returns the SDL compatible GUID of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetJoystickUserPointer (int jid, void *pointer)
 Sets the user pointer of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI void * glfwGetJoystickUserPointer (int jid)
 Returns the user pointer of the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI GLFWjoystickfun glfwSetJoystickCallback (GLFWjoystickfun cbfun)
 Sets the joystick configuration callback. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwUpdateGamepadMappings (const char *string)
 Adds the specified SDL_GameControllerDB gamepad mappings. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwJoystickIsGamepad (int jid)
 Returns whether the specified joystick has a gamepad mapping. More...
GLFWAPI const char * glfwGetGamepadName (int jid)
 Returns the human-readable gamepad name for the specified joystick. More...
GLFWAPI int glfwGetGamepadState (int jid, GLFWgamepadstate *state)
 Retrieves the state of the specified joystick remapped as a gamepad. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetClipboardString (GLFWwindow *handle, const char *string)
 Sets the clipboard to the specified string. More...
GLFWAPI const char * glfwGetClipboardString (GLFWwindow *handle)
 Returns the contents of the clipboard as a string. More...
GLFWAPI double glfwGetTime (void)
 Returns the GLFW time. More...
GLFWAPI void glfwSetTime (double time)
 Sets the GLFW time. More...
GLFWAPI uint64_t glfwGetTimerValue (void)
 Returns the current value of the raw timer. More...
GLFWAPI uint64_t glfwGetTimerFrequency (void)
 Returns the frequency, in Hz, of the raw timer. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 42 of file input.c.



Definition at line 43 of file input.c.



Definition at line 44 of file input.c.


#define _GLFW_STICK   3

Definition at line 39 of file input.c.

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwAllocJoystick()

_GLFWjoystick * _glfwAllocJoystick ( const char *  name,
const char *  guid,
int  axisCount,
int  buttonCount,
int  hatCount 

Definition at line 429 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea()

void _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 475 of file input.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwFreeJoystick()

void _glfwFreeJoystick ( _GLFWjoystick js)

Definition at line 465 of file input.c.

◆ _glfwInputChar()

void _glfwInputChar ( _GLFWwindow window,
unsigned int  codepoint,
int  mods,
GLFWbool  plain 

Definition at line 308 of file input.c.

◆ _glfwInputCursorEnter()

void _glfwInputCursorEnter ( _GLFWwindow window,
GLFWbool  entered 

Definition at line 370 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputCursorPos()

void _glfwInputCursorPos ( _GLFWwindow window,
double  xpos,
double  ypos 

Definition at line 356 of file input.c.

◆ _glfwInputDrop()

void _glfwInputDrop ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  count,
const char **  paths 

Definition at line 378 of file input.c.

◆ _glfwInputJoystick()

void _glfwInputJoystick ( _GLFWjoystick js,
int  event 

Definition at line 386 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputJoystickAxis()

void _glfwInputJoystickAxis ( _GLFWjoystick js,
int  axis,
float  value 

Definition at line 396 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputJoystickButton()

void _glfwInputJoystickButton ( _GLFWjoystick js,
int  button,
char  value 

Definition at line 403 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputJoystickHat()

void _glfwInputJoystickHat ( _GLFWjoystick js,
int  hat,
char  value 

Definition at line 410 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputKey()

void _glfwInputKey ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  key,
int  scancode,
int  action,
int  mods 

Definition at line 277 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputMouseClick()

void _glfwInputMouseClick ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  button,
int  action,
int  mods 

Definition at line 336 of file input.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputScroll()

void _glfwInputScroll ( _GLFWwindow window,
double  xoffset,
double  yoffset 

Definition at line 328 of file input.c.