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x11_platform.h File Reference
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/Xresource.h>
#include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include "posix_thread.h"
#include "posix_time.h"
#include "xkb_unicode.h"
#include "glx_context.h"
#include "null_joystick.h"
+ Include dependency graph for x11_platform.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR
struct  VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR
struct  _GLFWwindowX11
struct  _GLFWlibraryX11
struct  _GLFWmonitorX11
struct  _GLFWcursorX11


#define XAllocClassHint   _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocClassHint
#define XAllocSizeHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocSizeHints
#define XAllocWMHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocWMHints
#define XChangeProperty   _glfw.x11.xlib.ChangeProperty
#define XChangeWindowAttributes   _glfw.x11.xlib.ChangeWindowAttributes
#define XCheckIfEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.CheckIfEvent
#define XCheckTypedWindowEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.CheckTypedWindowEvent
#define XCloseDisplay   _glfw.x11.xlib.CloseDisplay
#define XCloseIM   _glfw.x11.xlib.CloseIM
#define XConvertSelection   _glfw.x11.xlib.ConvertSelection
#define XCreateColormap   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateColormap
#define XCreateFontCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateFontCursor
#define XCreateIC   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateIC
#define XCreateRegion   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateRegion
#define XCreateWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateWindow
#define XDefineCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.DefineCursor
#define XDeleteContext   _glfw.x11.xlib.DeleteContext
#define XDeleteProperty   _glfw.x11.xlib.DeleteProperty
#define XDestroyIC   _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyIC
#define XDestroyRegion   _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyRegion
#define XDestroyWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyWindow
#define XDisplayKeycodes   _glfw.x11.xlib.DisplayKeycodes
#define XEventsQueued   _glfw.x11.xlib.EventsQueued
#define XFilterEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.FilterEvent
#define XFindContext   _glfw.x11.xlib.FindContext
#define XFlush   _glfw.x11.xlib.Flush
#define XFree   _glfw.x11.xlib.Free
#define XFreeColormap   _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeColormap
#define XFreeCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeCursor
#define XFreeEventData   _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeEventData
#define XGetErrorText   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetErrorText
#define XGetEventData   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetEventData
#define XGetICValues   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetICValues
#define XGetIMValues   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetIMValues
#define XGetInputFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetInputFocus
#define XGetKeyboardMapping   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetKeyboardMapping
#define XGetScreenSaver   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetScreenSaver
#define XGetSelectionOwner   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetSelectionOwner
#define XGetVisualInfo   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetVisualInfo
#define XGetWMNormalHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWMNormalHints
#define XGetWindowAttributes   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWindowAttributes
#define XGetWindowProperty   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWindowProperty
#define XGrabPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.GrabPointer
#define XIconifyWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.IconifyWindow
#define XInitThreads   _glfw.x11.xlib.InitThreads
#define XInternAtom   _glfw.x11.xlib.InternAtom
#define XLookupString   _glfw.x11.xlib.LookupString
#define XMapRaised   _glfw.x11.xlib.MapRaised
#define XMapWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.MapWindow
#define XMoveResizeWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.MoveResizeWindow
#define XMoveWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.MoveWindow
#define XNextEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.NextEvent
#define XOpenDisplay   _glfw.x11.xlib.OpenDisplay
#define XOpenIM   _glfw.x11.xlib.OpenIM
#define XPeekEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.PeekEvent
#define XPending   _glfw.x11.xlib.Pending
#define XQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xlib.QueryExtension
#define XQueryPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.QueryPointer
#define XRaiseWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.RaiseWindow
#define XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback   _glfw.x11.xlib.RegisterIMInstantiateCallback
#define XResizeWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.ResizeWindow
#define XResourceManagerString   _glfw.x11.xlib.ResourceManagerString
#define XSaveContext   _glfw.x11.xlib.SaveContext
#define XSelectInput   _glfw.x11.xlib.SelectInput
#define XSendEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.SendEvent
#define XSetClassHint   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetClassHint
#define XSetErrorHandler   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetErrorHandler
#define XSetICFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetICFocus
#define XSetIMValues   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetIMValues
#define XSetInputFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetInputFocus
#define XSetLocaleModifiers   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetLocaleModifiers
#define XSetScreenSaver   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetScreenSaver
#define XSetSelectionOwner   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetSelectionOwner
#define XSetWMHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMHints
#define XSetWMNormalHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMNormalHints
#define XSetWMProtocols   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMProtocols
#define XSupportsLocale   _glfw.x11.xlib.SupportsLocale
#define XSync   _glfw.x11.xlib.Sync
#define XTranslateCoordinates   _glfw.x11.xlib.TranslateCoordinates
#define XUndefineCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.UndefineCursor
#define XUngrabPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.UngrabPointer
#define XUnmapWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.UnmapWindow
#define XUnsetICFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.UnsetICFocus
#define XVisualIDFromVisual   _glfw.x11.xlib.VisualIDFromVisual
#define XWarpPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.WarpPointer
#define XkbFreeKeyboard   _glfw.x11.xkb.FreeKeyboard
#define XkbFreeNames   _glfw.x11.xkb.FreeNames
#define XkbGetMap   _glfw.x11.xkb.GetMap
#define XkbGetNames   _glfw.x11.xkb.GetNames
#define XkbGetState   _glfw.x11.xkb.GetState
#define XkbKeycodeToKeysym   _glfw.x11.xkb.KeycodeToKeysym
#define XkbQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xkb.QueryExtension
#define XkbSelectEventDetails   _glfw.x11.xkb.SelectEventDetails
#define XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat   _glfw.x11.xkb.SetDetectableAutoRepeat
#define XrmDestroyDatabase   _glfw.x11.xrm.DestroyDatabase
#define XrmGetResource   _glfw.x11.xrm.GetResource
#define XrmGetStringDatabase   _glfw.x11.xrm.GetStringDatabase
#define XrmInitialize   _glfw.x11.xrm.Initialize
#define XrmUniqueQuark   _glfw.x11.xrm.UniqueQuark
#define XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback   _glfw.x11.xlib.UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback
#define Xutf8LookupString   _glfw.x11.xlib.utf8LookupString
#define Xutf8SetWMProperties   _glfw.x11.xlib.utf8SetWMProperties
#define XRRAllocGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.AllocGamma
#define XRRFreeCrtcInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeCrtcInfo
#define XRRFreeGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeGamma
#define XRRFreeOutputInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeOutputInfo
#define XRRFreeScreenResources   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeScreenResources
#define XRRGetCrtcGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcGamma
#define XRRGetCrtcGammaSize   _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcGammaSize
#define XRRGetCrtcInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcInfo
#define XRRGetOutputInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.GetOutputInfo
#define XRRGetOutputPrimary   _glfw.x11.randr.GetOutputPrimary
#define XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent   _glfw.x11.randr.GetScreenResourcesCurrent
#define XRRQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.randr.QueryExtension
#define XRRQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.randr.QueryVersion
#define XRRSelectInput   _glfw.x11.randr.SelectInput
#define XRRSetCrtcConfig   _glfw.x11.randr.SetCrtcConfig
#define XRRSetCrtcGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.SetCrtcGamma
#define XRRUpdateConfiguration   _glfw.x11.randr.UpdateConfiguration
#define XcursorImageCreate   _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageCreate
#define XcursorImageDestroy   _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageDestroy
#define XcursorImageLoadCursor   _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageLoadCursor
#define XcursorGetTheme   _glfw.x11.xcursor.GetTheme
#define XcursorGetDefaultSize   _glfw.x11.xcursor.GetDefaultSize
#define XcursorLibraryLoadImage   _glfw.x11.xcursor.LibraryLoadImage
#define XineramaIsActive   _glfw.x11.xinerama.IsActive
#define XineramaQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xinerama.QueryExtension
#define XineramaQueryScreens   _glfw.x11.xinerama.QueryScreens
#define XGetXCBConnection   _glfw.x11.x11xcb.GetXCBConnection
#define XF86VidModeQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.vidmode.QueryExtension
#define XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp   _glfw.x11.vidmode.GetGammaRamp
#define XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp   _glfw.x11.vidmode.SetGammaRamp
#define XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize   _glfw.x11.vidmode.GetGammaRampSize
#define XIQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.xi.QueryVersion
#define XISelectEvents   _glfw.x11.xi.SelectEvents
#define XRenderQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xrender.QueryExtension
#define XRenderQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.xrender.QueryVersion
#define XRenderFindVisualFormat   _glfw.x11.xrender.FindVisualFormat
#define XShapeQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xshape.QueryExtension
#define XShapeQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.xshape.QueryVersion
#define XShapeCombineRegion   _glfw.x11.xshape.ShapeCombineRegion
#define XShapeCombineMask   _glfw.x11.xshape.ShapeCombineMask
#define _glfw_dlopen(name)   dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)
#define _glfw_dlclose(handle)   dlclose(handle)
#define _glfw_dlsym(handle, name)   dlsym(handle, name)
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_WINDOW_STATE   _GLFWwindowX11 x11
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_MONITOR_STATE   _GLFWmonitorX11 x11
#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CURSOR_STATE   _GLFWcursorX11 x11


typedef XClassHint *(* PFN_XAllocClassHint) (void)
typedef XSizeHints *(* PFN_XAllocSizeHints) (void)
typedef XWMHints *(* PFN_XAllocWMHints) (void)
typedef int(* PFN_XChangeProperty) (Display *, Window, Atom, Atom, int, int, const unsigned char *, int)
typedef int(* PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes) (Display *, Window, unsigned long, XSetWindowAttributes *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XCheckIfEvent) (Display *, XEvent *, Bool(*) (Display *, XEvent *, XPointer), XPointer)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent) (Display *, Window, int, XEvent *)
typedef int(* PFN_XCloseDisplay) (Display *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XCloseIM) (XIM)
typedef int(* PFN_XConvertSelection) (Display *, Atom, Atom, Atom, Window, Time)
typedef Colormap(* PFN_XCreateColormap) (Display *, Window, Visual *, int)
typedef Cursor(* PFN_XCreateFontCursor) (Display *, unsigned int)
typedef XIC(* PFN_XCreateIC) (XIM,...)
typedef Region(* PFN_XCreateRegion) (void)
typedef Window(* PFN_XCreateWindow) (Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, Visual *, unsigned long, XSetWindowAttributes *)
typedef int(* PFN_XDefineCursor) (Display *, Window, Cursor)
typedef int(* PFN_XDeleteContext) (Display *, XID, XContext)
typedef int(* PFN_XDeleteProperty) (Display *, Window, Atom)
typedef void(* PFN_XDestroyIC) (XIC)
typedef int(* PFN_XDestroyRegion) (Region)
typedef int(* PFN_XDestroyWindow) (Display *, Window)
typedef int(* PFN_XDisplayKeycodes) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef int(* PFN_XEventsQueued) (Display *, int)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XFilterEvent) (XEvent *, Window)
typedef int(* PFN_XFindContext) (Display *, XID, XContext, XPointer *)
typedef int(* PFN_XFlush) (Display *)
typedef int(* PFN_XFree) (void *)
typedef int(* PFN_XFreeColormap) (Display *, Colormap)
typedef int(* PFN_XFreeCursor) (Display *, Cursor)
typedef void(* PFN_XFreeEventData) (Display *, XGenericEventCookie *)
typedef int(* PFN_XGetErrorText) (Display *, int, char *, int)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XGetEventData) (Display *, XGenericEventCookie *)
typedef char *(* PFN_XGetICValues) (XIC,...)
typedef char *(* PFN_XGetIMValues) (XIM,...)
typedef int(* PFN_XGetInputFocus) (Display *, Window *, int *)
typedef KeySym *(* PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping) (Display *, KeyCode, int, int *)
typedef int(* PFN_XGetScreenSaver) (Display *, int *, int *, int *, int *)
typedef Window(* PFN_XGetSelectionOwner) (Display *, Atom)
typedef XVisualInfo *(* PFN_XGetVisualInfo) (Display *, long, XVisualInfo *, int *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XGetWMNormalHints) (Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, long *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XGetWindowAttributes) (Display *, Window, XWindowAttributes *)
typedef int(* PFN_XGetWindowProperty) (Display *, Window, Atom, long, long, Bool, Atom, Atom *, int *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char **)
typedef int(* PFN_XGrabPointer) (Display *, Window, Bool, unsigned int, int, int, Window, Cursor, Time)
typedef Status(* PFN_XIconifyWindow) (Display *, Window, int)
typedef Status(* PFN_XInitThreads) (void)
typedef Atom(* PFN_XInternAtom) (Display *, const char *, Bool)
typedef int(* PFN_XLookupString) (XKeyEvent *, char *, int, KeySym *, XComposeStatus *)
typedef int(* PFN_XMapRaised) (Display *, Window)
typedef int(* PFN_XMapWindow) (Display *, Window)
typedef int(* PFN_XMoveResizeWindow) (Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
typedef int(* PFN_XMoveWindow) (Display *, Window, int, int)
typedef int(* PFN_XNextEvent) (Display *, XEvent *)
typedef Display *(* PFN_XOpenDisplay) (const char *)
typedef XIM(* PFN_XOpenIM) (Display *, XrmDatabase *, char *, char *)
typedef int(* PFN_XPeekEvent) (Display *, XEvent *)
typedef int(* PFN_XPending) (Display *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XQueryExtension) (Display *, const char *, int *, int *, int *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XQueryPointer) (Display *, Window, Window *, Window *, int *, int *, int *, int *, unsigned int *)
typedef int(* PFN_XRaiseWindow) (Display *, Window)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback) (Display *, void *, char *, char *, XIDProc, XPointer)
typedef int(* PFN_XResizeWindow) (Display *, Window, unsigned int, unsigned int)
typedef char *(* PFN_XResourceManagerString) (Display *)
typedef int(* PFN_XSaveContext) (Display *, XID, XContext, const char *)
typedef int(* PFN_XSelectInput) (Display *, Window, long)
typedef Status(* PFN_XSendEvent) (Display *, Window, Bool, long, XEvent *)
typedef int(* PFN_XSetClassHint) (Display *, Window, XClassHint *)
typedef XErrorHandler(* PFN_XSetErrorHandler) (XErrorHandler)
typedef void(* PFN_XSetICFocus) (XIC)
typedef char *(* PFN_XSetIMValues) (XIM,...)
typedef int(* PFN_XSetInputFocus) (Display *, Window, int, Time)
typedef char *(* PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers) (const char *)
typedef int(* PFN_XSetScreenSaver) (Display *, int, int, int, int)
typedef int(* PFN_XSetSelectionOwner) (Display *, Atom, Window, Time)
typedef int(* PFN_XSetWMHints) (Display *, Window, XWMHints *)
typedef void(* PFN_XSetWMNormalHints) (Display *, Window, XSizeHints *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XSetWMProtocols) (Display *, Window, Atom *, int)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XSupportsLocale) (void)
typedef int(* PFN_XSync) (Display *, Bool)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XTranslateCoordinates) (Display *, Window, Window, int, int, int *, int *, Window *)
typedef int(* PFN_XUndefineCursor) (Display *, Window)
typedef int(* PFN_XUngrabPointer) (Display *, Time)
typedef int(* PFN_XUnmapWindow) (Display *, Window)
typedef void(* PFN_XUnsetICFocus) (XIC)
typedef VisualID(* PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual) (Visual *)
typedef int(* PFN_XWarpPointer) (Display *, Window, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int)
typedef void(* PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard) (XkbDescPtr, unsigned int, Bool)
typedef void(* PFN_XkbFreeNames) (XkbDescPtr, unsigned int, Bool)
typedef XkbDescPtr(* PFN_XkbGetMap) (Display *, unsigned int, unsigned int)
typedef Status(* PFN_XkbGetNames) (Display *, unsigned int, XkbDescPtr)
typedef Status(* PFN_XkbGetState) (Display *, unsigned int, XkbStatePtr)
typedef KeySym(* PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym) (Display *, KeyCode, int, int)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XkbQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails) (Display *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat) (Display *, Bool, Bool *)
typedef void(* PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase) (XrmDatabase)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XrmGetResource) (XrmDatabase, const char *, const char *, char **, XrmValue *)
typedef XrmDatabase(* PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase) (const char *)
typedef void(* PFN_XrmInitialize) (void)
typedef XrmQuark(* PFN_XrmUniqueQuark) (void)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback) (Display *, void *, char *, char *, XIDProc, XPointer)
typedef int(* PFN_Xutf8LookupString) (XIC, XKeyPressedEvent *, char *, int, KeySym *, Status *)
typedef void(* PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties) (Display *, Window, const char *, const char *, char **, int, XSizeHints *, XWMHints *, XClassHint *)
typedef XRRCrtcGamma *(* PFN_XRRAllocGamma) (int)
typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo) (XRRCrtcInfo *)
typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeGamma) (XRRCrtcGamma *)
typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo) (XRROutputInfo *)
typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources) (XRRScreenResources *)
typedef XRRCrtcGamma *(* PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma) (Display *, RRCrtc)
typedef int(* PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize) (Display *, RRCrtc)
typedef XRRCrtcInfo *(* PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo) (Display *, XRRScreenResources *, RRCrtc)
typedef XRROutputInfo *(* PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo) (Display *, XRRScreenResources *, RROutput)
typedef RROutput(* PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary) (Display *, Window)
typedef XRRScreenResources *(* PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent) (Display *, Window)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XRRQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XRRQueryVersion) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef void(* PFN_XRRSelectInput) (Display *, Window, int)
typedef Status(* PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig) (Display *, XRRScreenResources *, RRCrtc, Time, int, int, RRMode, Rotation, RROutput *, int)
typedef void(* PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma) (Display *, RRCrtc, XRRCrtcGamma *)
typedef int(* PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration) (XEvent *)
typedef XcursorImage *(* PFN_XcursorImageCreate) (int, int)
typedef void(* PFN_XcursorImageDestroy) (XcursorImage *)
typedef Cursor(* PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor) (Display *, const XcursorImage *)
typedef char *(* PFN_XcursorGetTheme) (Display *)
typedef int(* PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize) (Display *)
typedef XcursorImage *(* PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage) (const char *, const char *, int)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XineramaIsActive) (Display *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XineramaQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef XineramaScreenInfo *(* PFN_XineramaQueryScreens) (Display *, int *)
typedef XID xcb_window_t
typedef XID xcb_visualid_t
typedef struct xcb_connection_t xcb_connection_t
typedef xcb_connection_t *(* PFN_XGetXCBConnection) (Display *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp) (Display *, int, int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp) (Display *, int, int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize) (Display *, int, int *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XIQueryVersion) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef int(* PFN_XISelectEvents) (Display *, Window, XIEventMask *, int)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XRenderQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XRenderQueryVersion) (Display *dpy, int *, int *)
typedef XRenderPictFormat *(* PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat) (Display *, Visual const *)
typedef Bool(* PFN_XShapeQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)
typedef Status(* PFN_XShapeQueryVersion) (Display *dpy, int *, int *)
typedef void(* PFN_XShapeCombineRegion) (Display *, Window, int, int, int, Region, int)
typedef void(* PFN_XShapeCombineMask) (Display *, Window, int, int, int, Pixmap, int)
typedef VkFlags VkXlibSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR
typedef VkFlags VkXcbSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR
typedef struct VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR
typedef struct VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR
typedef VkResult(APIENTRYPFN_vkCreateXlibSurfaceKHR) (VkInstance, const VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)
typedef VkBool32(APIENTRYPFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXlibPresentationSupportKHR) (VkPhysicalDevice, uint32_t, Display *, VisualID)
typedef VkResult(APIENTRYPFN_vkCreateXcbSurfaceKHR) (VkInstance, const VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)
typedef VkBool32(APIENTRYPFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXcbPresentationSupportKHR) (VkPhysicalDevice, uint32_t, xcb_connection_t *, xcb_visualid_t)
typedef struct _GLFWwindowX11 _GLFWwindowX11
typedef struct _GLFWlibraryX11 _GLFWlibraryX11
typedef struct _GLFWmonitorX11 _GLFWmonitorX11
typedef struct _GLFWcursorX11 _GLFWcursorX11


void _glfwPollMonitorsX11 (void)
void _glfwSetVideoModeX11 (_GLFWmonitor *monitor, const GLFWvidmode *desired)
void _glfwRestoreVideoModeX11 (_GLFWmonitor *monitor)
Cursor _glfwCreateCursorX11 (const GLFWimage *image, int xhot, int yhot)
unsigned long _glfwGetWindowPropertyX11 (Window window, Atom property, Atom type, unsigned char **value)
GLFWbool _glfwIsVisualTransparentX11 (Visual *visual)
void _glfwGrabErrorHandlerX11 (void)
void _glfwReleaseErrorHandlerX11 (void)
void _glfwInputErrorX11 (int error, const char *message)
void _glfwPushSelectionToManagerX11 (void)
void _glfwCreateInputContextX11 (_GLFWwindow *window)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _glfw_dlclose

#define _glfw_dlclose (   handle)    dlclose(handle)

Definition at line 388 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlopen

#define _glfw_dlopen (   name)    dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)

Definition at line 387 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ _glfw_dlsym

#define _glfw_dlsym (   handle,
)    dlsym(handle, name)

Definition at line 389 of file x11_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CURSOR_STATE   _GLFWcursorX11 x11

Definition at line 394 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 392 of file x11_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_MONITOR_STATE   _GLFWmonitorX11 x11

Definition at line 393 of file x11_platform.h.


#define _GLFW_PLATFORM_WINDOW_STATE   _GLFWwindowX11 x11

Definition at line 391 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XAllocClassHint

#define XAllocClassHint   _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocClassHint

Definition at line 156 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XAllocSizeHints

#define XAllocSizeHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocSizeHints

Definition at line 157 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XAllocWMHints

#define XAllocWMHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocWMHints

Definition at line 158 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XChangeProperty

#define XChangeProperty   _glfw.x11.xlib.ChangeProperty

Definition at line 159 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XChangeWindowAttributes

#define XChangeWindowAttributes   _glfw.x11.xlib.ChangeWindowAttributes

Definition at line 160 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCheckIfEvent

#define XCheckIfEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.CheckIfEvent

Definition at line 161 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCheckTypedWindowEvent

#define XCheckTypedWindowEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.CheckTypedWindowEvent

Definition at line 162 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCloseDisplay

#define XCloseDisplay   _glfw.x11.xlib.CloseDisplay

Definition at line 163 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCloseIM

#define XCloseIM   _glfw.x11.xlib.CloseIM

Definition at line 164 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XConvertSelection

#define XConvertSelection   _glfw.x11.xlib.ConvertSelection

Definition at line 165 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCreateColormap

#define XCreateColormap   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateColormap

Definition at line 166 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCreateFontCursor

#define XCreateFontCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateFontCursor

Definition at line 167 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCreateIC

#define XCreateIC   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateIC

Definition at line 168 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCreateRegion

#define XCreateRegion   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateRegion

Definition at line 169 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XCreateWindow

#define XCreateWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateWindow

Definition at line 170 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XcursorGetDefaultSize

#define XcursorGetDefaultSize   _glfw.x11.xcursor.GetDefaultSize

Definition at line 304 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XcursorGetTheme

#define XcursorGetTheme   _glfw.x11.xcursor.GetTheme

Definition at line 303 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XcursorImageCreate

#define XcursorImageCreate   _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageCreate

Definition at line 300 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XcursorImageDestroy

#define XcursorImageDestroy   _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageDestroy

Definition at line 301 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XcursorImageLoadCursor

#define XcursorImageLoadCursor   _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageLoadCursor

Definition at line 302 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XcursorLibraryLoadImage

#define XcursorLibraryLoadImage   _glfw.x11.xcursor.LibraryLoadImage

Definition at line 305 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDefineCursor

#define XDefineCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.DefineCursor

Definition at line 171 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDeleteContext

#define XDeleteContext   _glfw.x11.xlib.DeleteContext

Definition at line 172 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDeleteProperty

#define XDeleteProperty   _glfw.x11.xlib.DeleteProperty

Definition at line 173 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDestroyIC

#define XDestroyIC   _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyIC

Definition at line 174 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDestroyRegion

#define XDestroyRegion   _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyRegion

Definition at line 175 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDestroyWindow

#define XDestroyWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyWindow

Definition at line 176 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XDisplayKeycodes

#define XDisplayKeycodes   _glfw.x11.xlib.DisplayKeycodes

Definition at line 177 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XEventsQueued

#define XEventsQueued   _glfw.x11.xlib.EventsQueued

Definition at line 178 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp

#define XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp   _glfw.x11.vidmode.GetGammaRamp

Definition at line 325 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize

#define XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize   _glfw.x11.vidmode.GetGammaRampSize

Definition at line 327 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XF86VidModeQueryExtension

#define XF86VidModeQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.vidmode.QueryExtension

Definition at line 324 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp

#define XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp   _glfw.x11.vidmode.SetGammaRamp

Definition at line 326 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFilterEvent

#define XFilterEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.FilterEvent

Definition at line 179 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFindContext

#define XFindContext   _glfw.x11.xlib.FindContext

Definition at line 180 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFlush

#define XFlush   _glfw.x11.xlib.Flush

Definition at line 181 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFree

#define XFree   _glfw.x11.xlib.Free

Definition at line 182 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFreeColormap

#define XFreeColormap   _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeColormap

Definition at line 183 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFreeCursor

#define XFreeCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeCursor

Definition at line 184 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XFreeEventData

#define XFreeEventData   _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeEventData

Definition at line 185 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetErrorText

#define XGetErrorText   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetErrorText

Definition at line 186 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetEventData

#define XGetEventData   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetEventData

Definition at line 187 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetICValues

#define XGetICValues   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetICValues

Definition at line 188 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetIMValues

#define XGetIMValues   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetIMValues

Definition at line 189 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetInputFocus

#define XGetInputFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetInputFocus

Definition at line 190 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetKeyboardMapping

#define XGetKeyboardMapping   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetKeyboardMapping

Definition at line 191 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetScreenSaver

#define XGetScreenSaver   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetScreenSaver

Definition at line 192 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetSelectionOwner

#define XGetSelectionOwner   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetSelectionOwner

Definition at line 193 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetVisualInfo

#define XGetVisualInfo   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetVisualInfo

Definition at line 194 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetWindowAttributes

#define XGetWindowAttributes   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWindowAttributes

Definition at line 196 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetWindowProperty

#define XGetWindowProperty   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWindowProperty

Definition at line 197 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetWMNormalHints

#define XGetWMNormalHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWMNormalHints

Definition at line 195 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGetXCBConnection

#define XGetXCBConnection   _glfw.x11.x11xcb.GetXCBConnection

Definition at line 318 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XGrabPointer

#define XGrabPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.GrabPointer

Definition at line 198 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XIconifyWindow

#define XIconifyWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.IconifyWindow

Definition at line 199 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XineramaIsActive

#define XineramaIsActive   _glfw.x11.xinerama.IsActive

Definition at line 310 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XineramaQueryExtension

#define XineramaQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xinerama.QueryExtension

Definition at line 311 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XineramaQueryScreens

#define XineramaQueryScreens   _glfw.x11.xinerama.QueryScreens

Definition at line 312 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XInitThreads

#define XInitThreads   _glfw.x11.xlib.InitThreads

Definition at line 200 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XInternAtom

#define XInternAtom   _glfw.x11.xlib.InternAtom

Definition at line 201 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XIQueryVersion

#define XIQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.xi.QueryVersion

Definition at line 331 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XISelectEvents

#define XISelectEvents   _glfw.x11.xi.SelectEvents

Definition at line 332 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbFreeKeyboard

#define XkbFreeKeyboard   _glfw.x11.xkb.FreeKeyboard

Definition at line 241 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbFreeNames

#define XkbFreeNames   _glfw.x11.xkb.FreeNames

Definition at line 242 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbGetMap

#define XkbGetMap   _glfw.x11.xkb.GetMap

Definition at line 243 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbGetNames

#define XkbGetNames   _glfw.x11.xkb.GetNames

Definition at line 244 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbGetState

#define XkbGetState   _glfw.x11.xkb.GetState

Definition at line 245 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbKeycodeToKeysym

#define XkbKeycodeToKeysym   _glfw.x11.xkb.KeycodeToKeysym

Definition at line 246 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbQueryExtension

#define XkbQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xkb.QueryExtension

Definition at line 247 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbSelectEventDetails

#define XkbSelectEventDetails   _glfw.x11.xkb.SelectEventDetails

Definition at line 248 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat

#define XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat   _glfw.x11.xkb.SetDetectableAutoRepeat

Definition at line 249 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XLookupString

#define XLookupString   _glfw.x11.xlib.LookupString

Definition at line 202 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XMapRaised

#define XMapRaised   _glfw.x11.xlib.MapRaised

Definition at line 203 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XMapWindow

#define XMapWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.MapWindow

Definition at line 204 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XMoveResizeWindow

#define XMoveResizeWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.MoveResizeWindow

Definition at line 205 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XMoveWindow

#define XMoveWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.MoveWindow

Definition at line 206 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XNextEvent

#define XNextEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.NextEvent

Definition at line 207 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XOpenDisplay

#define XOpenDisplay   _glfw.x11.xlib.OpenDisplay

Definition at line 208 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XOpenIM

#define XOpenIM   _glfw.x11.xlib.OpenIM

Definition at line 209 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XPeekEvent

#define XPeekEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.PeekEvent

Definition at line 210 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XPending

#define XPending   _glfw.x11.xlib.Pending

Definition at line 211 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XQueryExtension

#define XQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xlib.QueryExtension

Definition at line 212 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XQueryPointer

#define XQueryPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.QueryPointer

Definition at line 213 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRaiseWindow

#define XRaiseWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.RaiseWindow

Definition at line 214 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback

#define XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback   _glfw.x11.xlib.RegisterIMInstantiateCallback

Definition at line 215 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRenderFindVisualFormat

#define XRenderFindVisualFormat   _glfw.x11.xrender.FindVisualFormat

Definition at line 339 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRenderQueryExtension

#define XRenderQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xrender.QueryExtension

Definition at line 337 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRenderQueryVersion

#define XRenderQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.xrender.QueryVersion

Definition at line 338 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XResizeWindow

#define XResizeWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.ResizeWindow

Definition at line 216 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XResourceManagerString

#define XResourceManagerString   _glfw.x11.xlib.ResourceManagerString

Definition at line 217 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XrmDestroyDatabase

#define XrmDestroyDatabase   _glfw.x11.xrm.DestroyDatabase

Definition at line 250 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XrmGetResource

#define XrmGetResource   _glfw.x11.xrm.GetResource

Definition at line 251 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XrmGetStringDatabase

#define XrmGetStringDatabase   _glfw.x11.xrm.GetStringDatabase

Definition at line 252 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XrmInitialize

#define XrmInitialize   _glfw.x11.xrm.Initialize

Definition at line 253 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XrmUniqueQuark

#define XrmUniqueQuark   _glfw.x11.xrm.UniqueQuark

Definition at line 254 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRAllocGamma

#define XRRAllocGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.AllocGamma

Definition at line 276 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRFreeCrtcInfo

#define XRRFreeCrtcInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeCrtcInfo

Definition at line 277 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRFreeGamma

#define XRRFreeGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeGamma

Definition at line 278 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRFreeOutputInfo

#define XRRFreeOutputInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeOutputInfo

Definition at line 279 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRFreeScreenResources

#define XRRFreeScreenResources   _glfw.x11.randr.FreeScreenResources

Definition at line 280 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRGetCrtcGamma

#define XRRGetCrtcGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcGamma

Definition at line 281 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRGetCrtcGammaSize

#define XRRGetCrtcGammaSize   _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcGammaSize

Definition at line 282 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRGetCrtcInfo

#define XRRGetCrtcInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcInfo

Definition at line 283 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRGetOutputInfo

#define XRRGetOutputInfo   _glfw.x11.randr.GetOutputInfo

Definition at line 284 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRGetOutputPrimary

#define XRRGetOutputPrimary   _glfw.x11.randr.GetOutputPrimary

Definition at line 285 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent

#define XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent   _glfw.x11.randr.GetScreenResourcesCurrent

Definition at line 286 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRQueryExtension

#define XRRQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.randr.QueryExtension

Definition at line 287 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRQueryVersion

#define XRRQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.randr.QueryVersion

Definition at line 288 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRSelectInput

#define XRRSelectInput   _glfw.x11.randr.SelectInput

Definition at line 289 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRSetCrtcConfig

#define XRRSetCrtcConfig   _glfw.x11.randr.SetCrtcConfig

Definition at line 290 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRSetCrtcGamma

#define XRRSetCrtcGamma   _glfw.x11.randr.SetCrtcGamma

Definition at line 291 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XRRUpdateConfiguration

#define XRRUpdateConfiguration   _glfw.x11.randr.UpdateConfiguration

Definition at line 292 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSaveContext

#define XSaveContext   _glfw.x11.xlib.SaveContext

Definition at line 218 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSelectInput

#define XSelectInput   _glfw.x11.xlib.SelectInput

Definition at line 219 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSendEvent

#define XSendEvent   _glfw.x11.xlib.SendEvent

Definition at line 220 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetClassHint

#define XSetClassHint   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetClassHint

Definition at line 221 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetErrorHandler

#define XSetErrorHandler   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetErrorHandler

Definition at line 222 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetICFocus

#define XSetICFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetICFocus

Definition at line 223 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetIMValues

#define XSetIMValues   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetIMValues

Definition at line 224 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetInputFocus

#define XSetInputFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetInputFocus

Definition at line 225 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetLocaleModifiers

#define XSetLocaleModifiers   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetLocaleModifiers

Definition at line 226 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetScreenSaver

#define XSetScreenSaver   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetScreenSaver

Definition at line 227 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetSelectionOwner

#define XSetSelectionOwner   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetSelectionOwner

Definition at line 228 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetWMHints

#define XSetWMHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMHints

Definition at line 229 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetWMNormalHints

#define XSetWMNormalHints   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMNormalHints

Definition at line 230 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSetWMProtocols

#define XSetWMProtocols   _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMProtocols

Definition at line 231 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XShapeCombineMask

#define XShapeCombineMask   _glfw.x11.xshape.ShapeCombineMask

Definition at line 349 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XShapeCombineRegion

#define XShapeCombineRegion   _glfw.x11.xshape.ShapeCombineRegion

Definition at line 348 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XShapeQueryExtension

#define XShapeQueryExtension   _glfw.x11.xshape.QueryExtension

Definition at line 346 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XShapeQueryVersion

#define XShapeQueryVersion   _glfw.x11.xshape.QueryVersion

Definition at line 347 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSupportsLocale

#define XSupportsLocale   _glfw.x11.xlib.SupportsLocale

Definition at line 232 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XSync

#define XSync   _glfw.x11.xlib.Sync

Definition at line 233 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XTranslateCoordinates

#define XTranslateCoordinates   _glfw.x11.xlib.TranslateCoordinates

Definition at line 234 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XUndefineCursor

#define XUndefineCursor   _glfw.x11.xlib.UndefineCursor

Definition at line 235 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XUngrabPointer

#define XUngrabPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.UngrabPointer

Definition at line 236 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XUnmapWindow

#define XUnmapWindow   _glfw.x11.xlib.UnmapWindow

Definition at line 237 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback

#define XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback   _glfw.x11.xlib.UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback

Definition at line 255 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XUnsetICFocus

#define XUnsetICFocus   _glfw.x11.xlib.UnsetICFocus

Definition at line 238 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Xutf8LookupString

#define Xutf8LookupString   _glfw.x11.xlib.utf8LookupString

Definition at line 256 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Xutf8SetWMProperties

#define Xutf8SetWMProperties   _glfw.x11.xlib.utf8SetWMProperties

Definition at line 257 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XVisualIDFromVisual

#define XVisualIDFromVisual   _glfw.x11.xlib.VisualIDFromVisual

Definition at line 239 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XWarpPointer

#define XWarpPointer   _glfw.x11.xlib.WarpPointer

Definition at line 240 of file x11_platform.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _GLFWcursorX11

◆ _GLFWlibraryX11

◆ _GLFWmonitorX11

◆ _GLFWwindowX11

◆ PFN_vkCreateXcbSurfaceKHR

typedef VkResult(APIENTRY * PFN_vkCreateXcbSurfaceKHR) (VkInstance, const VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)

Definition at line 374 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_vkCreateXlibSurfaceKHR

typedef VkResult(APIENTRY * PFN_vkCreateXlibSurfaceKHR) (VkInstance, const VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR *, const VkAllocationCallbacks *, VkSurfaceKHR *)

Definition at line 372 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXcbPresentationSupportKHR

typedef VkBool32(APIENTRY * PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXcbPresentationSupportKHR) (VkPhysicalDevice, uint32_t, xcb_connection_t *, xcb_visualid_t)

Definition at line 375 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXlibPresentationSupportKHR

typedef VkBool32(APIENTRY * PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXlibPresentationSupportKHR) (VkPhysicalDevice, uint32_t, Display *, VisualID)

Definition at line 373 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XAllocClassHint

typedef XClassHint *(* PFN_XAllocClassHint) (void)

Definition at line 54 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XAllocSizeHints

typedef XSizeHints *(* PFN_XAllocSizeHints) (void)

Definition at line 55 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XAllocWMHints

typedef XWMHints *(* PFN_XAllocWMHints) (void)

Definition at line 56 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XChangeProperty

typedef int(* PFN_XChangeProperty) (Display *, Window, Atom, Atom, int, int, const unsigned char *, int)

Definition at line 57 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes

typedef int(* PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes) (Display *, Window, unsigned long, XSetWindowAttributes *)

Definition at line 58 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCheckIfEvent

typedef Bool(* PFN_XCheckIfEvent) (Display *, XEvent *, Bool(*)(Display *, XEvent *, XPointer), XPointer)

Definition at line 59 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent

typedef Bool(* PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent) (Display *, Window, int, XEvent *)

Definition at line 60 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCloseDisplay

typedef int(* PFN_XCloseDisplay) (Display *)

Definition at line 61 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCloseIM

typedef Status(* PFN_XCloseIM) (XIM)

Definition at line 62 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XConvertSelection

typedef int(* PFN_XConvertSelection) (Display *, Atom, Atom, Atom, Window, Time)

Definition at line 63 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCreateColormap

typedef Colormap(* PFN_XCreateColormap) (Display *, Window, Visual *, int)

Definition at line 64 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCreateFontCursor

typedef Cursor(* PFN_XCreateFontCursor) (Display *, unsigned int)

Definition at line 65 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCreateIC

typedef XIC(* PFN_XCreateIC) (XIM,...)

Definition at line 66 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCreateRegion

typedef Region(* PFN_XCreateRegion) (void)

Definition at line 67 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XCreateWindow

typedef Window(* PFN_XCreateWindow) (Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, Visual *, unsigned long, XSetWindowAttributes *)

Definition at line 68 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize

typedef int(* PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize) (Display *)

Definition at line 298 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XcursorGetTheme

typedef char *(* PFN_XcursorGetTheme) (Display *)

Definition at line 297 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XcursorImageCreate

typedef XcursorImage *(* PFN_XcursorImageCreate) (int, int)

Definition at line 294 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XcursorImageDestroy

typedef void(* PFN_XcursorImageDestroy) (XcursorImage *)

Definition at line 295 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor

typedef Cursor(* PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor) (Display *, const XcursorImage *)

Definition at line 296 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage

typedef XcursorImage *(* PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage) (const char *, const char *, int)

Definition at line 299 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDefineCursor

typedef int(* PFN_XDefineCursor) (Display *, Window, Cursor)

Definition at line 69 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDeleteContext

typedef int(* PFN_XDeleteContext) (Display *, XID, XContext)

Definition at line 70 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDeleteProperty

typedef int(* PFN_XDeleteProperty) (Display *, Window, Atom)

Definition at line 71 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDestroyIC

typedef void(* PFN_XDestroyIC) (XIC)

Definition at line 72 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDestroyRegion

typedef int(* PFN_XDestroyRegion) (Region)

Definition at line 73 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDestroyWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XDestroyWindow) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 74 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XDisplayKeycodes

typedef int(* PFN_XDisplayKeycodes) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 75 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XEventsQueued

typedef int(* PFN_XEventsQueued) (Display *, int)

Definition at line 76 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp

typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp) (Display *, int, int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)

Definition at line 321 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize

typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize) (Display *, int, int *)

Definition at line 323 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 320 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp

typedef Bool(* PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp) (Display *, int, int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)

Definition at line 322 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFilterEvent

typedef Bool(* PFN_XFilterEvent) (XEvent *, Window)

Definition at line 77 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFindContext

typedef int(* PFN_XFindContext) (Display *, XID, XContext, XPointer *)

Definition at line 78 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFlush

typedef int(* PFN_XFlush) (Display *)

Definition at line 79 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFree

typedef int(* PFN_XFree) (void *)

Definition at line 80 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFreeColormap

typedef int(* PFN_XFreeColormap) (Display *, Colormap)

Definition at line 81 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFreeCursor

typedef int(* PFN_XFreeCursor) (Display *, Cursor)

Definition at line 82 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XFreeEventData

typedef void(* PFN_XFreeEventData) (Display *, XGenericEventCookie *)

Definition at line 83 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetErrorText

typedef int(* PFN_XGetErrorText) (Display *, int, char *, int)

Definition at line 84 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetEventData

typedef Bool(* PFN_XGetEventData) (Display *, XGenericEventCookie *)

Definition at line 85 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetICValues

typedef char *(* PFN_XGetICValues) (XIC,...)

Definition at line 86 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetIMValues

typedef char *(* PFN_XGetIMValues) (XIM,...)

Definition at line 87 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetInputFocus

typedef int(* PFN_XGetInputFocus) (Display *, Window *, int *)

Definition at line 88 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping

typedef KeySym *(* PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping) (Display *, KeyCode, int, int *)

Definition at line 89 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetScreenSaver

typedef int(* PFN_XGetScreenSaver) (Display *, int *, int *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 90 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetSelectionOwner

typedef Window(* PFN_XGetSelectionOwner) (Display *, Atom)

Definition at line 91 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetVisualInfo

typedef XVisualInfo *(* PFN_XGetVisualInfo) (Display *, long, XVisualInfo *, int *)

Definition at line 92 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetWindowAttributes

typedef Status(* PFN_XGetWindowAttributes) (Display *, Window, XWindowAttributes *)

Definition at line 94 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetWindowProperty

typedef int(* PFN_XGetWindowProperty) (Display *, Window, Atom, long, long, Bool, Atom, Atom *, int *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char **)

Definition at line 95 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetWMNormalHints

typedef Status(* PFN_XGetWMNormalHints) (Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, long *)

Definition at line 93 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGetXCBConnection

typedef xcb_connection_t *(* PFN_XGetXCBConnection) (Display *)

Definition at line 317 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XGrabPointer

typedef int(* PFN_XGrabPointer) (Display *, Window, Bool, unsigned int, int, int, Window, Cursor, Time)

Definition at line 96 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XIconifyWindow

typedef Status(* PFN_XIconifyWindow) (Display *, Window, int)

Definition at line 97 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XineramaIsActive

typedef Bool(* PFN_XineramaIsActive) (Display *)

Definition at line 307 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XineramaQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XineramaQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 308 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XineramaQueryScreens

typedef XineramaScreenInfo *(* PFN_XineramaQueryScreens) (Display *, int *)

Definition at line 309 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XInitThreads

typedef Status(* PFN_XInitThreads) (void)

Definition at line 98 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XInternAtom

typedef Atom(* PFN_XInternAtom) (Display *, const char *, Bool)

Definition at line 99 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XIQueryVersion

typedef Status(* PFN_XIQueryVersion) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 329 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XISelectEvents

typedef int(* PFN_XISelectEvents) (Display *, Window, XIEventMask *, int)

Definition at line 330 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard

typedef void(* PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard) (XkbDescPtr, unsigned int, Bool)

Definition at line 139 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbFreeNames

typedef void(* PFN_XkbFreeNames) (XkbDescPtr, unsigned int, Bool)

Definition at line 140 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbGetMap

typedef XkbDescPtr(* PFN_XkbGetMap) (Display *, unsigned int, unsigned int)

Definition at line 141 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbGetNames

typedef Status(* PFN_XkbGetNames) (Display *, unsigned int, XkbDescPtr)

Definition at line 142 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbGetState

typedef Status(* PFN_XkbGetState) (Display *, unsigned int, XkbStatePtr)

Definition at line 143 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym

typedef KeySym(* PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym) (Display *, KeyCode, int, int)

Definition at line 144 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XkbQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 145 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails

typedef Bool(* PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails) (Display *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long)

Definition at line 146 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat

typedef Bool(* PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat) (Display *, Bool, Bool *)

Definition at line 147 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XLookupString

typedef int(* PFN_XLookupString) (XKeyEvent *, char *, int, KeySym *, XComposeStatus *)

Definition at line 100 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XMapRaised

typedef int(* PFN_XMapRaised) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 101 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XMapWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XMapWindow) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 102 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XMoveResizeWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XMoveResizeWindow) (Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

Definition at line 103 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XMoveWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XMoveWindow) (Display *, Window, int, int)

Definition at line 104 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XNextEvent

typedef int(* PFN_XNextEvent) (Display *, XEvent *)

Definition at line 105 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XOpenDisplay

typedef Display *(* PFN_XOpenDisplay) (const char *)

Definition at line 106 of file x11_platform.h.


typedef XIM(* PFN_XOpenIM) (Display *, XrmDatabase *, char *, char *)

Definition at line 107 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XPeekEvent

typedef int(* PFN_XPeekEvent) (Display *, XEvent *)

Definition at line 108 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XPending

typedef int(* PFN_XPending) (Display *)

Definition at line 109 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XQueryExtension) (Display *, const char *, int *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 110 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XQueryPointer

typedef Bool(* PFN_XQueryPointer) (Display *, Window, Window *, Window *, int *, int *, int *, int *, unsigned int *)

Definition at line 111 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRaiseWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XRaiseWindow) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 112 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback

typedef Bool(* PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback) (Display *, void *, char *, char *, XIDProc, XPointer)

Definition at line 113 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat

typedef XRenderPictFormat *(* PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat) (Display *, Visual const *)

Definition at line 336 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRenderQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XRenderQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 334 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRenderQueryVersion

typedef Status(* PFN_XRenderQueryVersion) (Display *dpy, int *, int *)

Definition at line 335 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XResizeWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XResizeWindow) (Display *, Window, unsigned int, unsigned int)

Definition at line 114 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XResourceManagerString

typedef char *(* PFN_XResourceManagerString) (Display *)

Definition at line 115 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase

typedef void(* PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase) (XrmDatabase)

Definition at line 148 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XrmGetResource

typedef Bool(* PFN_XrmGetResource) (XrmDatabase, const char *, const char *, char **, XrmValue *)

Definition at line 149 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase

typedef XrmDatabase(* PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase) (const char *)

Definition at line 150 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XrmInitialize

typedef void(* PFN_XrmInitialize) (void)

Definition at line 151 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XrmUniqueQuark

typedef XrmQuark(* PFN_XrmUniqueQuark) (void)

Definition at line 152 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRAllocGamma

typedef XRRCrtcGamma *(* PFN_XRRAllocGamma) (int)

Definition at line 259 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo

typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo) (XRRCrtcInfo *)

Definition at line 260 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRFreeGamma

typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeGamma) (XRRCrtcGamma *)

Definition at line 261 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo

typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo) (XRROutputInfo *)

Definition at line 262 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources

typedef void(* PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources) (XRRScreenResources *)

Definition at line 263 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma

typedef XRRCrtcGamma *(* PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma) (Display *, RRCrtc)

Definition at line 264 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize

typedef int(* PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize) (Display *, RRCrtc)

Definition at line 265 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo

typedef XRRCrtcInfo *(* PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo) (Display *, XRRScreenResources *, RRCrtc)

Definition at line 266 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo

typedef XRROutputInfo *(* PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo) (Display *, XRRScreenResources *, RROutput)

Definition at line 267 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary

typedef RROutput(* PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 268 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent

typedef XRRScreenResources *(* PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 269 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XRRQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 270 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRQueryVersion

typedef Status(* PFN_XRRQueryVersion) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 271 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRSelectInput

typedef void(* PFN_XRRSelectInput) (Display *, Window, int)

Definition at line 272 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig

typedef Status(* PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig) (Display *, XRRScreenResources *, RRCrtc, Time, int, int, RRMode, Rotation, RROutput *, int)

Definition at line 273 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma

typedef void(* PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma) (Display *, RRCrtc, XRRCrtcGamma *)

Definition at line 274 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration

typedef int(* PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration) (XEvent *)

Definition at line 275 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSaveContext

typedef int(* PFN_XSaveContext) (Display *, XID, XContext, const char *)

Definition at line 116 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSelectInput

typedef int(* PFN_XSelectInput) (Display *, Window, long)

Definition at line 117 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSendEvent

typedef Status(* PFN_XSendEvent) (Display *, Window, Bool, long, XEvent *)

Definition at line 118 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetClassHint

typedef int(* PFN_XSetClassHint) (Display *, Window, XClassHint *)

Definition at line 119 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetErrorHandler

typedef XErrorHandler(* PFN_XSetErrorHandler) (XErrorHandler)

Definition at line 120 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetICFocus

typedef void(* PFN_XSetICFocus) (XIC)

Definition at line 121 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetIMValues

typedef char *(* PFN_XSetIMValues) (XIM,...)

Definition at line 122 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetInputFocus

typedef int(* PFN_XSetInputFocus) (Display *, Window, int, Time)

Definition at line 123 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers

typedef char *(* PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers) (const char *)

Definition at line 124 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetScreenSaver

typedef int(* PFN_XSetScreenSaver) (Display *, int, int, int, int)

Definition at line 125 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetSelectionOwner

typedef int(* PFN_XSetSelectionOwner) (Display *, Atom, Window, Time)

Definition at line 126 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetWMHints

typedef int(* PFN_XSetWMHints) (Display *, Window, XWMHints *)

Definition at line 127 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetWMNormalHints

typedef void(* PFN_XSetWMNormalHints) (Display *, Window, XSizeHints *)

Definition at line 128 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSetWMProtocols

typedef Status(* PFN_XSetWMProtocols) (Display *, Window, Atom *, int)

Definition at line 129 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XShapeCombineMask

typedef void(* PFN_XShapeCombineMask) (Display *, Window, int, int, int, Pixmap, int)

Definition at line 344 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XShapeCombineRegion

typedef void(* PFN_XShapeCombineRegion) (Display *, Window, int, int, int, Region, int)

Definition at line 343 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XShapeQueryExtension

typedef Bool(* PFN_XShapeQueryExtension) (Display *, int *, int *)

Definition at line 341 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XShapeQueryVersion

typedef Status(* PFN_XShapeQueryVersion) (Display *dpy, int *, int *)

Definition at line 342 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSupportsLocale

typedef Bool(* PFN_XSupportsLocale) (void)

Definition at line 130 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XSync

typedef int(* PFN_XSync) (Display *, Bool)

Definition at line 131 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XTranslateCoordinates

typedef Bool(* PFN_XTranslateCoordinates) (Display *, Window, Window, int, int, int *, int *, Window *)

Definition at line 132 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XUndefineCursor

typedef int(* PFN_XUndefineCursor) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 133 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XUngrabPointer

typedef int(* PFN_XUngrabPointer) (Display *, Time)

Definition at line 134 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XUnmapWindow

typedef int(* PFN_XUnmapWindow) (Display *, Window)

Definition at line 135 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback

typedef Bool(* PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback) (Display *, void *, char *, char *, XIDProc, XPointer)

Definition at line 153 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XUnsetICFocus

typedef void(* PFN_XUnsetICFocus) (XIC)

Definition at line 136 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_Xutf8LookupString

typedef int(* PFN_Xutf8LookupString) (XIC, XKeyPressedEvent *, char *, int, KeySym *, Status *)

Definition at line 154 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties

typedef void(* PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties) (Display *, Window, const char *, const char *, char **, int, XSizeHints *, XWMHints *, XClassHint *)

Definition at line 155 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual

typedef VisualID(* PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual) (Visual *)

Definition at line 137 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PFN_XWarpPointer

typedef int(* PFN_XWarpPointer) (Display *, Window, Window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int)

Definition at line 138 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ VkXcbSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR

Definition at line 352 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR

◆ VkXlibSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR

Definition at line 351 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR

◆ xcb_connection_t

Definition at line 316 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ xcb_visualid_t

typedef XID xcb_visualid_t

Definition at line 315 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ xcb_window_t

typedef XID xcb_window_t

Definition at line 314 of file x11_platform.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwCreateCursorX11()

Cursor _glfwCreateCursorX11 ( const GLFWimage image,
int  xhot,
int  yhot 

Definition at line 1073 of file x11_init.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwCreateInputContextX11()

void _glfwCreateInputContextX11 ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1936 of file x11_window.c.

◆ _glfwGetWindowPropertyX11()

unsigned long _glfwGetWindowPropertyX11 ( Window  window,
Atom  property,
Atom  type,
unsigned char **  value 

Definition at line 1854 of file x11_window.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwGrabErrorHandlerX11()

void _glfwGrabErrorHandlerX11 ( void  )

Definition at line 1045 of file x11_init.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwInputErrorX11()

void _glfwInputErrorX11 ( int  error,
const char *  message 

Definition at line 1062 of file x11_init.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwIsVisualTransparentX11()

GLFWbool _glfwIsVisualTransparentX11 ( Visual *  visual)

Definition at line 1879 of file x11_window.c.

◆ _glfwPollMonitorsX11()

void _glfwPollMonitorsX11 ( void  )

Definition at line 101 of file x11_monitor.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPushSelectionToManagerX11()

void _glfwPushSelectionToManagerX11 ( void  )

Definition at line 1890 of file x11_window.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwReleaseErrorHandlerX11()

void _glfwReleaseErrorHandlerX11 ( void  )

Definition at line 1053 of file x11_init.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwRestoreVideoModeX11()

void _glfwRestoreVideoModeX11 ( _GLFWmonitor monitor)

Definition at line 281 of file x11_monitor.c.

◆ _glfwSetVideoModeX11()

void _glfwSetVideoModeX11 ( _GLFWmonitor monitor,
const GLFWvidmode desired 

Definition at line 227 of file x11_monitor.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function: