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_GLFWlibraryX11 Struct Reference

#include <x11_platform.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for _GLFWlibraryX11:

Public Attributes

Display * display
int screen
Window root
float contentScaleX
float contentScaleY
Window helperWindowHandle
Cursor hiddenCursorHandle
XContext context
XIM im
int errorCode
char * primarySelectionString
char * clipboardString
char keynames [GLFW_KEY_LAST+1][5]
short int keycodes [256]
short int scancodes [GLFW_KEY_LAST+1]
double restoreCursorPosX
double restoreCursorPosY
Atom XdndAware
Atom XdndEnter
Atom XdndPosition
Atom XdndStatus
Atom XdndActionCopy
Atom XdndDrop
Atom XdndFinished
Atom XdndSelection
Atom XdndTypeList
Atom text_uri_list
Atom NULL_
struct {
   void *   handle
   GLFWbool   utf8
   PFN_XAllocClassHint   AllocClassHint
   PFN_XAllocSizeHints   AllocSizeHints
   PFN_XAllocWMHints   AllocWMHints
   PFN_XChangeProperty   ChangeProperty
   PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes   ChangeWindowAttributes
   PFN_XCheckIfEvent   CheckIfEvent
   PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent   CheckTypedWindowEvent
   PFN_XCloseDisplay   CloseDisplay
   PFN_XCloseIM   CloseIM
   PFN_XConvertSelection   ConvertSelection
   PFN_XCreateColormap   CreateColormap
   PFN_XCreateFontCursor   CreateFontCursor
   PFN_XCreateIC   CreateIC
   PFN_XCreateRegion   CreateRegion
   PFN_XCreateWindow   CreateWindow
   PFN_XDefineCursor   DefineCursor
   PFN_XDeleteContext   DeleteContext
   PFN_XDeleteProperty   DeleteProperty
   PFN_XDestroyIC   DestroyIC
   PFN_XDestroyRegion   DestroyRegion
   PFN_XDestroyWindow   DestroyWindow
   PFN_XDisplayKeycodes   DisplayKeycodes
   PFN_XEventsQueued   EventsQueued
   PFN_XFilterEvent   FilterEvent
   PFN_XFindContext   FindContext
   PFN_XFlush   Flush
   PFN_XFree   Free
   PFN_XFreeColormap   FreeColormap
   PFN_XFreeCursor   FreeCursor
   PFN_XFreeEventData   FreeEventData
   PFN_XGetErrorText   GetErrorText
   PFN_XGetEventData   GetEventData
   PFN_XGetICValues   GetICValues
   PFN_XGetIMValues   GetIMValues
   PFN_XGetInputFocus   GetInputFocus
   PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping   GetKeyboardMapping
   PFN_XGetScreenSaver   GetScreenSaver
   PFN_XGetSelectionOwner   GetSelectionOwner
   PFN_XGetVisualInfo   GetVisualInfo
   PFN_XGetWMNormalHints   GetWMNormalHints
   PFN_XGetWindowAttributes   GetWindowAttributes
   PFN_XGetWindowProperty   GetWindowProperty
   PFN_XGrabPointer   GrabPointer
   PFN_XIconifyWindow   IconifyWindow
   PFN_XInitThreads   InitThreads
   PFN_XInternAtom   InternAtom
   PFN_XLookupString   LookupString
   PFN_XMapRaised   MapRaised
   PFN_XMapWindow   MapWindow
   PFN_XMoveResizeWindow   MoveResizeWindow
   PFN_XMoveWindow   MoveWindow
   PFN_XNextEvent   NextEvent
   PFN_XOpenDisplay   OpenDisplay
   PFN_XOpenIM   OpenIM
   PFN_XPeekEvent   PeekEvent
   PFN_XPending   Pending
   PFN_XQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XQueryPointer   QueryPointer
   PFN_XRaiseWindow   RaiseWindow
   PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback   RegisterIMInstantiateCallback
   PFN_XResizeWindow   ResizeWindow
   PFN_XResourceManagerString   ResourceManagerString
   PFN_XSaveContext   SaveContext
   PFN_XSelectInput   SelectInput
   PFN_XSendEvent   SendEvent
   PFN_XSetClassHint   SetClassHint
   PFN_XSetErrorHandler   SetErrorHandler
   PFN_XSetICFocus   SetICFocus
   PFN_XSetIMValues   SetIMValues
   PFN_XSetInputFocus   SetInputFocus
   PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers   SetLocaleModifiers
   PFN_XSetScreenSaver   SetScreenSaver
   PFN_XSetSelectionOwner   SetSelectionOwner
   PFN_XSetWMHints   SetWMHints
   PFN_XSetWMNormalHints   SetWMNormalHints
   PFN_XSetWMProtocols   SetWMProtocols
   PFN_XSupportsLocale   SupportsLocale
   PFN_XSync   Sync
   PFN_XTranslateCoordinates   TranslateCoordinates
   PFN_XUndefineCursor   UndefineCursor
   PFN_XUngrabPointer   UngrabPointer
   PFN_XUnmapWindow   UnmapWindow
   PFN_XUnsetICFocus   UnsetICFocus
   PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual   VisualIDFromVisual
   PFN_XWarpPointer   WarpPointer
   PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback   UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback
   PFN_Xutf8LookupString   utf8LookupString
   PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties   utf8SetWMProperties
struct {
   PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase   DestroyDatabase
   PFN_XrmGetResource   GetResource
   PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase   GetStringDatabase
   PFN_XrmInitialize   Initialize
   PFN_XrmUniqueQuark   UniqueQuark
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   void *   handle
   int   eventBase
   int   errorBase
   int   major
   int   minor
   GLFWbool   gammaBroken
   GLFWbool   monitorBroken
   PFN_XRRAllocGamma   AllocGamma
   PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo   FreeCrtcInfo
   PFN_XRRFreeGamma   FreeGamma
   PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo   FreeOutputInfo
   PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources   FreeScreenResources
   PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma   GetCrtcGamma
   PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize   GetCrtcGammaSize
   PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo   GetCrtcInfo
   PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo   GetOutputInfo
   PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary   GetOutputPrimary
   PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent   GetScreenResourcesCurrent
   PFN_XRRQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XRRQueryVersion   QueryVersion
   PFN_XRRSelectInput   SelectInput
   PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig   SetCrtcConfig
   PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma   SetCrtcGamma
   PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration   UpdateConfiguration
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   GLFWbool   detectable
   int   majorOpcode
   int   eventBase
   int   errorBase
   int   major
   int   minor
   unsigned int   group
   PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard   FreeKeyboard
   PFN_XkbFreeNames   FreeNames
   PFN_XkbGetMap   GetMap
   PFN_XkbGetNames   GetNames
   PFN_XkbGetState   GetState
   PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym   KeycodeToKeysym
   PFN_XkbQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails   SelectEventDetails
   PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat   SetDetectableAutoRepeat
struct {
   int   count
   int   timeout
   int   interval
   int   blanking
   int   exposure
struct {
   int   version
   Window   source
   Atom   format
struct {
   void *   handle
   PFN_XcursorImageCreate   ImageCreate
   PFN_XcursorImageDestroy   ImageDestroy
   PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor   ImageLoadCursor
   PFN_XcursorGetTheme   GetTheme
   PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize   GetDefaultSize
   PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage   LibraryLoadImage
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   void *   handle
   int   major
   int   minor
   PFN_XineramaIsActive   IsActive
   PFN_XineramaQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XineramaQueryScreens   QueryScreens
struct {
   void *   handle
   PFN_XGetXCBConnection   GetXCBConnection
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   void *   handle
   int   eventBase
   int   errorBase
   PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp   GetGammaRamp
   PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp   SetGammaRamp
   PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize   GetGammaRampSize
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   void *   handle
   int   majorOpcode
   int   eventBase
   int   errorBase
   int   major
   int   minor
   PFN_XIQueryVersion   QueryVersion
   PFN_XISelectEvents   SelectEvents
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   void *   handle
   int   major
   int   minor
   int   eventBase
   int   errorBase
   PFN_XRenderQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XRenderQueryVersion   QueryVersion
   PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat   FindVisualFormat
struct {
   GLFWbool   available
   void *   handle
   int   major
   int   minor
   int   eventBase
   int   errorBase
   PFN_XShapeQueryExtension   QueryExtension
   PFN_XShapeCombineRegion   ShapeCombineRegion
   PFN_XShapeQueryVersion   QueryVersion
   PFN_XShapeCombineMask   ShapeCombineMask

Detailed Description

Definition at line 430 of file x11_platform.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AllocClassHint

PFN_XAllocClassHint _GLFWlibraryX11::AllocClassHint

Definition at line 522 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ AllocGamma

PFN_XRRAllocGamma _GLFWlibraryX11::AllocGamma

Definition at line 629 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ AllocSizeHints

PFN_XAllocSizeHints _GLFWlibraryX11::AllocSizeHints

Definition at line 523 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ AllocWMHints

PFN_XAllocWMHints _GLFWlibraryX11::AllocWMHints

Definition at line 524 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::ATOM_PAIR

Definition at line 516 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ available

GLFWbool _GLFWlibraryX11::available

Definition at line 621 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ blanking

int _GLFWlibraryX11::blanking

Definition at line 672 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ChangeProperty

PFN_XChangeProperty _GLFWlibraryX11::ChangeProperty

Definition at line 525 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ChangeWindowAttributes

PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes _GLFWlibraryX11::ChangeWindowAttributes

Definition at line 526 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CheckIfEvent

PFN_XCheckIfEvent _GLFWlibraryX11::CheckIfEvent

Definition at line 527 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CheckTypedWindowEvent

PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent _GLFWlibraryX11::CheckTypedWindowEvent

Definition at line 528 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::CLIPBOARD

Definition at line 509 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 511 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ clipboardString

char* _GLFWlibraryX11::clipboardString

Definition at line 451 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CloseDisplay

PFN_XCloseDisplay _GLFWlibraryX11::CloseDisplay

Definition at line 529 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CloseIM

PFN_XCloseIM _GLFWlibraryX11::CloseIM

Definition at line 530 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 515 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ contentScaleX

float _GLFWlibraryX11::contentScaleX

Definition at line 437 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ contentScaleY

float _GLFWlibraryX11::contentScaleY

Definition at line 437 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ context

XContext _GLFWlibraryX11::context

Definition at line 443 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ConvertSelection

PFN_XConvertSelection _GLFWlibraryX11::ConvertSelection

Definition at line 531 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ count

int _GLFWlibraryX11::count

Definition at line 669 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CreateColormap

PFN_XCreateColormap _GLFWlibraryX11::CreateColormap

Definition at line 532 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CreateFontCursor

PFN_XCreateFontCursor _GLFWlibraryX11::CreateFontCursor

Definition at line 533 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CreateIC

PFN_XCreateIC _GLFWlibraryX11::CreateIC

Definition at line 534 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CreateRegion

PFN_XCreateRegion _GLFWlibraryX11::CreateRegion

Definition at line 535 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ CreateWindow

PFN_XCreateWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::CreateWindow

Definition at line 536 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DefineCursor

PFN_XDefineCursor _GLFWlibraryX11::DefineCursor

Definition at line 537 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DeleteContext

PFN_XDeleteContext _GLFWlibraryX11::DeleteContext

Definition at line 538 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DeleteProperty

PFN_XDeleteProperty _GLFWlibraryX11::DeleteProperty

Definition at line 539 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DestroyDatabase

PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase _GLFWlibraryX11::DestroyDatabase

Definition at line 613 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DestroyIC

PFN_XDestroyIC _GLFWlibraryX11::DestroyIC

Definition at line 540 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DestroyRegion

PFN_XDestroyRegion _GLFWlibraryX11::DestroyRegion

Definition at line 541 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DestroyWindow

PFN_XDestroyWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::DestroyWindow

Definition at line 542 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ detectable

GLFWbool _GLFWlibraryX11::detectable

Definition at line 650 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ disabledCursorWindow

_GLFWwindow* _GLFWlibraryX11::disabledCursorWindow

Definition at line 461 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ display

Display* _GLFWlibraryX11::display

Definition at line 432 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ DisplayKeycodes

PFN_XDisplayKeycodes _GLFWlibraryX11::DisplayKeycodes

Definition at line 543 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ errorBase

int _GLFWlibraryX11::errorBase

Definition at line 624 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ errorCode

int _GLFWlibraryX11::errorCode

Definition at line 447 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ eventBase

int _GLFWlibraryX11::eventBase

Definition at line 623 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ EventsQueued

PFN_XEventsQueued _GLFWlibraryX11::EventsQueued

Definition at line 544 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ exposure

int _GLFWlibraryX11::exposure

Definition at line 673 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FilterEvent

PFN_XFilterEvent _GLFWlibraryX11::FilterEvent

Definition at line 545 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FindContext

PFN_XFindContext _GLFWlibraryX11::FindContext

Definition at line 546 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FindVisualFormat

PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat _GLFWlibraryX11::FindVisualFormat

Definition at line 739 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Flush

PFN_XFlush _GLFWlibraryX11::Flush

Definition at line 547 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ format

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::format

Definition at line 679 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Free

PFN_XFree _GLFWlibraryX11::Free

Definition at line 548 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeColormap

PFN_XFreeColormap _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeColormap

Definition at line 549 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeCrtcInfo

PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeCrtcInfo

Definition at line 630 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeCursor

PFN_XFreeCursor _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeCursor

Definition at line 550 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeEventData

PFN_XFreeEventData _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeEventData

Definition at line 551 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeGamma

PFN_XRRFreeGamma _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeGamma

Definition at line 631 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeKeyboard

PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeKeyboard

Definition at line 657 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeNames

PFN_XkbFreeNames _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeNames

Definition at line 658 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeOutputInfo

PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeOutputInfo

Definition at line 632 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ FreeScreenResources

PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources _GLFWlibraryX11::FreeScreenResources

Definition at line 633 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ gammaBroken

GLFWbool _GLFWlibraryX11::gammaBroken

Definition at line 627 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetCrtcGamma

PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma _GLFWlibraryX11::GetCrtcGamma

Definition at line 634 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetCrtcGammaSize

PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize _GLFWlibraryX11::GetCrtcGammaSize

Definition at line 635 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetCrtcInfo

PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo _GLFWlibraryX11::GetCrtcInfo

Definition at line 636 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetDefaultSize

PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize _GLFWlibraryX11::GetDefaultSize

Definition at line 688 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetErrorText

PFN_XGetErrorText _GLFWlibraryX11::GetErrorText

Definition at line 552 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetEventData

PFN_XGetEventData _GLFWlibraryX11::GetEventData

Definition at line 553 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetGammaRamp

PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp _GLFWlibraryX11::GetGammaRamp

Definition at line 713 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetGammaRampSize

PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize _GLFWlibraryX11::GetGammaRampSize

Definition at line 715 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetICValues

PFN_XGetICValues _GLFWlibraryX11::GetICValues

Definition at line 554 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetIMValues

PFN_XGetIMValues _GLFWlibraryX11::GetIMValues

Definition at line 555 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetInputFocus

PFN_XGetInputFocus _GLFWlibraryX11::GetInputFocus

Definition at line 556 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetKeyboardMapping

PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping _GLFWlibraryX11::GetKeyboardMapping

Definition at line 557 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetMap

PFN_XkbGetMap _GLFWlibraryX11::GetMap

Definition at line 659 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetNames

PFN_XkbGetNames _GLFWlibraryX11::GetNames

Definition at line 660 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetOutputInfo

PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo _GLFWlibraryX11::GetOutputInfo

Definition at line 637 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetOutputPrimary

PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary _GLFWlibraryX11::GetOutputPrimary

Definition at line 638 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetResource

PFN_XrmGetResource _GLFWlibraryX11::GetResource

Definition at line 614 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetScreenResourcesCurrent

PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent _GLFWlibraryX11::GetScreenResourcesCurrent

Definition at line 639 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetScreenSaver

PFN_XGetScreenSaver _GLFWlibraryX11::GetScreenSaver

Definition at line 558 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetSelectionOwner

PFN_XGetSelectionOwner _GLFWlibraryX11::GetSelectionOwner

Definition at line 559 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetState

PFN_XkbGetState _GLFWlibraryX11::GetState

Definition at line 661 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetStringDatabase

PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase _GLFWlibraryX11::GetStringDatabase

Definition at line 615 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetTheme

PFN_XcursorGetTheme _GLFWlibraryX11::GetTheme

Definition at line 687 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetVisualInfo

PFN_XGetVisualInfo _GLFWlibraryX11::GetVisualInfo

Definition at line 560 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetWindowAttributes

PFN_XGetWindowAttributes _GLFWlibraryX11::GetWindowAttributes

Definition at line 562 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetWindowProperty

PFN_XGetWindowProperty _GLFWlibraryX11::GetWindowProperty

Definition at line 563 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetWMNormalHints

PFN_XGetWMNormalHints _GLFWlibraryX11::GetWMNormalHints

Definition at line 561 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GetXCBConnection

PFN_XGetXCBConnection _GLFWlibraryX11::GetXCBConnection

Definition at line 704 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 517 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ GrabPointer

PFN_XGrabPointer _GLFWlibraryX11::GrabPointer

Definition at line 564 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ group

unsigned int _GLFWlibraryX11::group

Definition at line 656 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ handle

void* _GLFWlibraryX11::handle

Definition at line 520 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ helperWindowHandle

Window _GLFWlibraryX11::helperWindowHandle

Definition at line 439 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ hiddenCursorHandle

Cursor _GLFWlibraryX11::hiddenCursorHandle

Definition at line 441 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ IconifyWindow

PFN_XIconifyWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::IconifyWindow

Definition at line 565 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ im

XIM _GLFWlibraryX11::im

Definition at line 445 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ImageCreate

PFN_XcursorImageCreate _GLFWlibraryX11::ImageCreate

Definition at line 684 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ImageDestroy

PFN_XcursorImageDestroy _GLFWlibraryX11::ImageDestroy

Definition at line 685 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ImageLoadCursor

PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor _GLFWlibraryX11::ImageLoadCursor

Definition at line 686 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::INCR

Definition at line 508 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Initialize

PFN_XrmInitialize _GLFWlibraryX11::Initialize

Definition at line 616 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ InitThreads

PFN_XInitThreads _GLFWlibraryX11::InitThreads

Definition at line 566 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ InternAtom

PFN_XInternAtom _GLFWlibraryX11::InternAtom

Definition at line 567 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ interval

int _GLFWlibraryX11::interval

Definition at line 671 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ IsActive

PFN_XineramaIsActive _GLFWlibraryX11::IsActive

Definition at line 697 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ keycodes

short int _GLFWlibraryX11::keycodes[256]

Definition at line 455 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ KeycodeToKeysym

PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym _GLFWlibraryX11::KeycodeToKeysym

Definition at line 662 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ keynames

char _GLFWlibraryX11::keynames[GLFW_KEY_LAST+1][5]

Definition at line 453 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ LibraryLoadImage

PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage _GLFWlibraryX11::LibraryLoadImage

Definition at line 689 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ LookupString

PFN_XLookupString _GLFWlibraryX11::LookupString

Definition at line 568 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ major

int _GLFWlibraryX11::major

Definition at line 625 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ majorOpcode

int _GLFWlibraryX11::majorOpcode

Definition at line 651 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ MapRaised

PFN_XMapRaised _GLFWlibraryX11::MapRaised

Definition at line 569 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ MapWindow

PFN_XMapWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::MapWindow

Definition at line 570 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ minor

int _GLFWlibraryX11::minor

Definition at line 626 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ monitorBroken

GLFWbool _GLFWlibraryX11::monitorBroken

Definition at line 628 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::MOTIF_WM_HINTS

Definition at line 491 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ MoveResizeWindow

PFN_XMoveResizeWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::MoveResizeWindow

Definition at line 571 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ MoveWindow

PFN_XMoveWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::MoveWindow

Definition at line 572 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::MULTIPLE

Definition at line 507 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 488 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 487 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 489 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 490 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 464 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 465 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 482 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_CM_Sx

Definition at line 485 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 483 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_ICON

Definition at line 471 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_ICON_NAME

Definition at line 470 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_NAME

Definition at line 469 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_PID

Definition at line 472 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_PING

Definition at line 473 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WM_STATE

Definition at line 476 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 477 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 481 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 478 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 480 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 479 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 484 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 474 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 475 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NET_WORKAREA

Definition at line 486 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ NextEvent

PFN_XNextEvent _GLFWlibraryX11::NextEvent

Definition at line 573 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::NULL_

Definition at line 513 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ OpenDisplay

PFN_XOpenDisplay _GLFWlibraryX11::OpenDisplay

Definition at line 574 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ OpenIM

PFN_XOpenIM _GLFWlibraryX11::OpenIM

Definition at line 575 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ PeekEvent

PFN_XPeekEvent _GLFWlibraryX11::PeekEvent

Definition at line 576 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Pending

PFN_XPending _GLFWlibraryX11::Pending

Definition at line 577 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::PRIMARY

Definition at line 510 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ primarySelectionString

char* _GLFWlibraryX11::primarySelectionString

Definition at line 449 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [1/7]

PFN_XQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 578 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [2/7]

PFN_XRRQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 640 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [3/7]

PFN_XkbQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 663 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [4/7]

PFN_XineramaQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 698 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [5/7]

PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 712 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [6/7]

PFN_XRenderQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 737 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryExtension [7/7]

PFN_XShapeQueryExtension _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryExtension

Definition at line 749 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryPointer

PFN_XQueryPointer _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryPointer

Definition at line 579 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryScreens

PFN_XineramaQueryScreens _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryScreens

Definition at line 699 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryVersion [1/4]

PFN_XRRQueryVersion _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryVersion

Definition at line 641 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryVersion [2/4]

PFN_XIQueryVersion _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryVersion

Definition at line 726 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryVersion [3/4]

PFN_XRenderQueryVersion _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryVersion

Definition at line 738 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ QueryVersion [4/4]

PFN_XShapeQueryVersion _GLFWlibraryX11::QueryVersion

Definition at line 751 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ RaiseWindow

PFN_XRaiseWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::RaiseWindow

Definition at line 580 of file x11_platform.h.


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::randr

◆ RegisterIMInstantiateCallback

PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback _GLFWlibraryX11::RegisterIMInstantiateCallback

Definition at line 581 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ResizeWindow

PFN_XResizeWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::ResizeWindow

Definition at line 582 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ResourceManagerString

PFN_XResourceManagerString _GLFWlibraryX11::ResourceManagerString

Definition at line 583 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ restoreCursorPosX

double _GLFWlibraryX11::restoreCursorPosX

Definition at line 459 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ restoreCursorPosY

double _GLFWlibraryX11::restoreCursorPosY

Definition at line 459 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ root

Window _GLFWlibraryX11::root

Definition at line 434 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::SAVE_TARGETS

Definition at line 512 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SaveContext

PFN_XSaveContext _GLFWlibraryX11::SaveContext

Definition at line 584 of file x11_platform.h.


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::saver

◆ scancodes

short int _GLFWlibraryX11::scancodes[GLFW_KEY_LAST+1]

Definition at line 457 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ screen

int _GLFWlibraryX11::screen

Definition at line 433 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SelectEventDetails

PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails _GLFWlibraryX11::SelectEventDetails

Definition at line 664 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SelectEvents

PFN_XISelectEvents _GLFWlibraryX11::SelectEvents

Definition at line 727 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SelectInput [1/2]

PFN_XSelectInput _GLFWlibraryX11::SelectInput

Definition at line 585 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SelectInput [2/2]

PFN_XRRSelectInput _GLFWlibraryX11::SelectInput

Definition at line 642 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SendEvent

PFN_XSendEvent _GLFWlibraryX11::SendEvent

Definition at line 586 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetClassHint

PFN_XSetClassHint _GLFWlibraryX11::SetClassHint

Definition at line 587 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetCrtcConfig

PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig _GLFWlibraryX11::SetCrtcConfig

Definition at line 643 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetCrtcGamma

PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma _GLFWlibraryX11::SetCrtcGamma

Definition at line 644 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetDetectableAutoRepeat

PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat _GLFWlibraryX11::SetDetectableAutoRepeat

Definition at line 665 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetErrorHandler

PFN_XSetErrorHandler _GLFWlibraryX11::SetErrorHandler

Definition at line 588 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetGammaRamp

PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp _GLFWlibraryX11::SetGammaRamp

Definition at line 714 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetICFocus

PFN_XSetICFocus _GLFWlibraryX11::SetICFocus

Definition at line 589 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetIMValues

PFN_XSetIMValues _GLFWlibraryX11::SetIMValues

Definition at line 590 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetInputFocus

PFN_XSetInputFocus _GLFWlibraryX11::SetInputFocus

Definition at line 591 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetLocaleModifiers

PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers _GLFWlibraryX11::SetLocaleModifiers

Definition at line 592 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetScreenSaver

PFN_XSetScreenSaver _GLFWlibraryX11::SetScreenSaver

Definition at line 593 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetSelectionOwner

PFN_XSetSelectionOwner _GLFWlibraryX11::SetSelectionOwner

Definition at line 594 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetWMHints

PFN_XSetWMHints _GLFWlibraryX11::SetWMHints

Definition at line 595 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetWMNormalHints

PFN_XSetWMNormalHints _GLFWlibraryX11::SetWMNormalHints

Definition at line 596 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SetWMProtocols

PFN_XSetWMProtocols _GLFWlibraryX11::SetWMProtocols

Definition at line 597 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ShapeCombineMask

PFN_XShapeCombineMask _GLFWlibraryX11::ShapeCombineMask

Definition at line 752 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ ShapeCombineRegion

PFN_XShapeCombineRegion _GLFWlibraryX11::ShapeCombineRegion

Definition at line 750 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ source

Window _GLFWlibraryX11::source

Definition at line 678 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ SupportsLocale

PFN_XSupportsLocale _GLFWlibraryX11::SupportsLocale

Definition at line 598 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ Sync

PFN_XSync _GLFWlibraryX11::Sync

Definition at line 599 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::TARGETS

Definition at line 506 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ text_uri_list

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::text_uri_list

Definition at line 503 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ timeout

int _GLFWlibraryX11::timeout

Definition at line 670 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ TranslateCoordinates

PFN_XTranslateCoordinates _GLFWlibraryX11::TranslateCoordinates

Definition at line 600 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UndefineCursor

PFN_XUndefineCursor _GLFWlibraryX11::UndefineCursor

Definition at line 601 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UngrabPointer

PFN_XUngrabPointer _GLFWlibraryX11::UngrabPointer

Definition at line 602 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UniqueQuark

PFN_XrmUniqueQuark _GLFWlibraryX11::UniqueQuark

Definition at line 617 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UnmapWindow

PFN_XUnmapWindow _GLFWlibraryX11::UnmapWindow

Definition at line 603 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback

PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback _GLFWlibraryX11::UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback

Definition at line 607 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UnsetICFocus

PFN_XUnsetICFocus _GLFWlibraryX11::UnsetICFocus

Definition at line 604 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ UpdateConfiguration

PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration _GLFWlibraryX11::UpdateConfiguration

Definition at line 645 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ utf8

GLFWbool _GLFWlibraryX11::utf8

Definition at line 521 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::UTF8_STRING

Definition at line 514 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ utf8LookupString

PFN_Xutf8LookupString _GLFWlibraryX11::utf8LookupString

Definition at line 608 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ utf8SetWMProperties

PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties _GLFWlibraryX11::utf8SetWMProperties

Definition at line 609 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ version

int _GLFWlibraryX11::version

Definition at line 677 of file x11_platform.h.


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::vidmode

◆ VisualIDFromVisual

PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual _GLFWlibraryX11::VisualIDFromVisual

Definition at line 605 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ WarpPointer

PFN_XWarpPointer _GLFWlibraryX11::WarpPointer

Definition at line 606 of file x11_platform.h.



Definition at line 468 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::WM_PROTOCOLS

Definition at line 466 of file x11_platform.h.


Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::WM_STATE

Definition at line 467 of file x11_platform.h.


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::x11xcb


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xcursor


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xdnd

◆ XdndActionCopy

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndActionCopy

Definition at line 498 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndAware

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndAware

Definition at line 494 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndDrop

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndDrop

Definition at line 499 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndEnter

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndEnter

Definition at line 495 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndFinished

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndFinished

Definition at line 500 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndPosition

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndPosition

Definition at line 496 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndSelection

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndSelection

Definition at line 501 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndStatus

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndStatus

Definition at line 497 of file x11_platform.h.

◆ XdndTypeList

Atom _GLFWlibraryX11::XdndTypeList

Definition at line 502 of file x11_platform.h.


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xi


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xinerama


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xkb


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xlib


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xrender


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xrm


struct { ... } _GLFWlibraryX11::xshape

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: