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cocoa_window.m File Reference
#include "internal.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
+ Include dependency graph for cocoa_window.m:

Go to the source code of this file.


class  GLFWWindowDelegate
class  GLFWContentView
class  GLFWWindow


float _glfwTransformYNS (float y)
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow (_GLFWwindow *window, const _GLFWwndconfig *wndconfig, const _GLFWctxconfig *ctxconfig, const _GLFWfbconfig *fbconfig)
void _glfwPlatformDestroyWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle (_GLFWwindow *window, const char *title)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowIcon (_GLFWwindow *window, int count, const GLFWimage *images)
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowPos (_GLFWwindow *window, int *xpos, int *ypos)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowPos (_GLFWwindow *window, int x, int y)
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize (_GLFWwindow *window, int *width, int *height)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize (_GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSizeLimits (_GLFWwindow *window, int minwidth, int minheight, int maxwidth, int maxheight)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowAspectRatio (_GLFWwindow *window, int numer, int denom)
void _glfwPlatformGetFramebufferSize (_GLFWwindow *window, int *width, int *height)
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowFrameSize (_GLFWwindow *window, int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
void _glfwPlatformGetWindowContentScale (_GLFWwindow *window, float *xscale, float *yscale)
void _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformMaximizeWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformShowWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformHideWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformRequestWindowAttention (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformFocusWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowMonitor (_GLFWwindow *window, _GLFWmonitor *monitor, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int refreshRate)
int _glfwPlatformWindowFocused (_GLFWwindow *window)
int _glfwPlatformWindowIconified (_GLFWwindow *window)
int _glfwPlatformWindowVisible (_GLFWwindow *window)
int _glfwPlatformWindowMaximized (_GLFWwindow *window)
int _glfwPlatformWindowHovered (_GLFWwindow *window)
int _glfwPlatformFramebufferTransparent (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowResizable (_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowDecorated (_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowFloating (_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowMousePassthrough (_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled)
float _glfwPlatformGetWindowOpacity (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformSetWindowOpacity (_GLFWwindow *window, float opacity)
void _glfwPlatformSetRawMouseMotion (_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled)
GLFWbool _glfwPlatformRawMouseMotionSupported (void)
void _glfwPlatformPollEvents (void)
void _glfwPlatformWaitEvents (void)
void _glfwPlatformWaitEventsTimeout (double timeout)
void _glfwPlatformPostEmptyEvent (void)
void _glfwPlatformGetCursorPos (_GLFWwindow *window, double *xpos, double *ypos)
void _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos (_GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y)
void _glfwPlatformSetCursorMode (_GLFWwindow *window, int mode)
const char * _glfwPlatformGetScancodeName (int scancode)
int _glfwPlatformGetKeyScancode (int key)
int _glfwPlatformCreateCursor (_GLFWcursor *cursor, const GLFWimage *image, int xhot, int yhot)
int _glfwPlatformCreateStandardCursor (_GLFWcursor *cursor, int shape)
void _glfwPlatformDestroyCursor (_GLFWcursor *cursor)
void _glfwPlatformSetCursor (_GLFWwindow *window, _GLFWcursor *cursor)
void _glfwPlatformSetClipboardString (const char *string)
const char * _glfwPlatformGetClipboardString (void)
EGLenum _glfwPlatformGetEGLPlatform (EGLint **attribs)
EGLNativeDisplayType _glfwPlatformGetEGLNativeDisplay (void)
EGLNativeWindowType _glfwPlatformGetEGLNativeWindow (_GLFWwindow *window)
void _glfwPlatformGetRequiredInstanceExtensions (char **extensions)
int _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport (VkInstance instance, VkPhysicalDevice device, uint32_t queuefamily)
VkResult _glfwPlatformCreateWindowSurface (VkInstance instance, _GLFWwindow *window, const VkAllocationCallbacks *allocator, VkSurfaceKHR *surface)
GLFWAPI id glfwGetCocoaWindow (GLFWwindow *handle)

Function Documentation

◆ _glfwPlatformCreateCursor()

int _glfwPlatformCreateCursor ( _GLFWcursor cursor,
const GLFWimage image,
int  xhot,
int  yhot 

Definition at line 1588 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformCreateStandardCursor()

int _glfwPlatformCreateStandardCursor ( _GLFWcursor cursor,
int  shape 

Definition at line 1632 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformCreateWindow()

int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow ( _GLFWwindow window,
const _GLFWwndconfig wndconfig,
const _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig,
const _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig 

Definition at line 899 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformCreateWindowSurface()

VkResult _glfwPlatformCreateWindowSurface ( VkInstance  instance,
_GLFWwindow window,
const VkAllocationCallbacks allocator,
VkSurfaceKHR surface 

Definition at line 1822 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformDestroyCursor()

void _glfwPlatformDestroyCursor ( _GLFWcursor cursor)

Definition at line 1706 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformDestroyWindow()

void _glfwPlatformDestroyWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 951 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformFocusWindow()

void _glfwPlatformFocusWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1192 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformFramebufferTransparent()

int _glfwPlatformFramebufferTransparent ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1343 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetClipboardString()

const char * _glfwPlatformGetClipboardString ( void  )

Definition at line 1731 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetCursorPos()

void _glfwPlatformGetCursorPos ( _GLFWwindow window,
double *  xpos,
double *  ypos 

Definition at line 1479 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetEGLNativeDisplay()

EGLNativeDisplayType _glfwPlatformGetEGLNativeDisplay ( void  )

Definition at line 1791 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetEGLNativeWindow()

EGLNativeWindowType _glfwPlatformGetEGLNativeWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1796 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetEGLPlatform()

EGLenum _glfwPlatformGetEGLPlatform ( EGLint **  attribs)

Definition at line 1760 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetFramebufferSize()

void _glfwPlatformGetFramebufferSize ( _GLFWwindow window,
int *  width,
int *  height 

Definition at line 1092 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetKeyScancode()

int _glfwPlatformGetKeyScancode ( int  key)

Definition at line 1583 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport()

int _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport ( VkInstance  instance,
VkPhysicalDevice  device,
uint32_t  queuefamily 

Definition at line 1815 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetRequiredInstanceExtensions()

void _glfwPlatformGetRequiredInstanceExtensions ( char **  extensions)

Definition at line 1801 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetScancodeName()

const char * _glfwPlatformGetScancodeName ( int  scancode)

Definition at line 1534 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetWindowContentScale()

void _glfwPlatformGetWindowContentScale ( _GLFWwindow window,
float *  xscale,
float *  yscale 

Definition at line 1130 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetWindowFrameSize()

void _glfwPlatformGetWindowFrameSize ( _GLFWwindow window,
int *  left,
int *  top,
int *  right,
int *  bottom 

Definition at line 1107 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetWindowOpacity()

float _glfwPlatformGetWindowOpacity ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1382 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetWindowPos()

void _glfwPlatformGetWindowPos ( _GLFWwindow window,
int *  xpos,
int *  ypos 

Definition at line 1000 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize()

void _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize ( _GLFWwindow window,
int *  width,
int *  height 

Definition at line 1027 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformHideWindow()

void _glfwPlatformHideWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1178 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow()

void _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1146 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformMaximizeWindow()

void _glfwPlatformMaximizeWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1163 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformPollEvents()

void _glfwPlatformPollEvents ( void  )

Definition at line 1407 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformPostEmptyEvent()

void _glfwPlatformPostEmptyEvent ( void  )

Definition at line 1461 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformRawMouseMotionSupported()

GLFWbool _glfwPlatformRawMouseMotionSupported ( void  )

Definition at line 1402 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformRequestWindowAttention()

void _glfwPlatformRequestWindowAttention ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1185 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow()

void _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1153 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetClipboardString()

void _glfwPlatformSetClipboardString ( const char *  string)

Definition at line 1722 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetCursor()

void _glfwPlatformSetCursor ( _GLFWwindow window,
_GLFWcursor cursor 

Definition at line 1714 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetCursorMode()

void _glfwPlatformSetCursorMode ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  mode 

Definition at line 1526 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos()

void _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos ( _GLFWwindow window,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1495 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetRawMouseMotion()

void _glfwPlatformSetRawMouseMotion ( _GLFWwindow window,
GLFWbool  enabled 

Definition at line 1396 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowAspectRatio()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowAspectRatio ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  numer,
int  denom 

Definition at line 1082 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowDecorated()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowDecorated ( _GLFWwindow window,
GLFWbool  enabled 

Definition at line 1357 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowFloating()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowFloating ( _GLFWwindow window,
GLFWbool  enabled 

Definition at line 1365 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowIcon()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowIcon ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  count,
const GLFWimage images 

Definition at line 993 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowMonitor()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowMonitor ( _GLFWwindow window,
_GLFWmonitor monitor,
int  xpos,
int  ypos,
int  width,
int  height,
int  refreshRate 

Definition at line 1204 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowMousePassthrough()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowMousePassthrough ( _GLFWwindow window,
GLFWbool  enabled 

Definition at line 1375 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowOpacity()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowOpacity ( _GLFWwindow window,
float  opacity 

Definition at line 1389 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowPos()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowPos ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1015 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowResizable()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowResizable ( _GLFWwindow window,
GLFWbool  enabled 

Definition at line 1350 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  width,
int  height 

Definition at line 1041 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowSizeLimits()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSizeLimits ( _GLFWwindow window,
int  minwidth,
int  minheight,
int  maxwidth,
int  maxheight 

Definition at line 1063 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle()

void _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle ( _GLFWwindow window,
const char *  title 

Definition at line 982 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformShowWindow()

void _glfwPlatformShowWindow ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1171 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWaitEvents()

void _glfwPlatformWaitEvents ( void  )

Definition at line 1426 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWaitEventsTimeout()

void _glfwPlatformWaitEventsTimeout ( double  timeout)

Definition at line 1444 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWindowFocused()

int _glfwPlatformWindowFocused ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1297 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWindowHovered()

int _glfwPlatformWindowHovered ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1325 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWindowIconified()

int _glfwPlatformWindowIconified ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1304 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWindowMaximized()

int _glfwPlatformWindowMaximized ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1318 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwPlatformWindowVisible()

int _glfwPlatformWindowVisible ( _GLFWwindow window)

Definition at line 1311 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _glfwTransformYNS()

float _glfwTransformYNS ( float  y)

Definition at line 889 of file cocoa_window.m.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ glfwGetCocoaWindow()

GLFWAPI id glfwGetCocoaWindow ( GLFWwindow handle)

Definition at line 1918 of file cocoa_window.m.